Sunday, August 29, 2021

UAE to resume visas for tourists vaccinated against Covid-19

UAE to resume visas for tourists vaccinated against Covid-19
The United Arab Emirates has announced it will resume issuing visas to all tourists fully vaccinated against Covid-19 from Monday, a month before Dubai hosts the delayed Expo 2020 trade fair.

The move comes amid a drop in coronavirus infections in the oil-rich Gulf country after it reported less than 1,000 cases per day last week for the first time in months.

The UAE's decision to reopen its doors to tourists from all countries was taken in order “to achieve sustainable recovery and economic growth”, the official WAM news agency reported on Saturday.

Those eligible would have to be fully inoculated with one of the Covid-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organisation, which include AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinopharm and Sinovac.

“The decision applies to citizens of all countries, including those arriving from previously banned countries,” WAM said.

“Passengers arriving on tourist visas must [undergo] a mandatory PCR test at the airport,” it added.

While life in the country has largely returned to normal amid the Covid pandemic, UAE continues to enforce strict rules on wearing masks and social distancing.

Dubai was last year counting on the six-month Dubai Expo 2020 — delayed a year by the health crisis and now set to open in October — to attract millions of visitors and boost the economy.

Heavily reliant on tourism, the emirate was one of the first destinations to open its doors to travellers, accepting tourists in July last year, just a few months after the pandemic took hold.

Abu Dhabi, meanwhile, has been more cautious, opening up to some visitors only in December.

The UAE has so far recorded more than 715,000 cases of Covid-19 infection, including 2,036 deaths.

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Federal govt prohibits employees from using social media platforms

social media platforms
In an attempt to prevent leaks of government information and documents, the federal government has decided to restrict its employees from using social media platforms.

A notification issued by the Establishment Division states that no government employee will be allowed to use any social media application — including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter — without seeking permission from the government.

The reasoning behind the step is to "prevent the disclosure of government information and documents".

The statement further directed the government employees to abide by Government Servants Rules 1964 under which government employees are barred from expressing their opinions or making any statements.

Government employees have been warned of "strict action" for violating any of the instructions.


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NCOC expands COVID-19 restrictions to 27 cities

NCOC meeting
In a bid to control the spread of COVID-19 infection across the country, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Sunday announced that it has decided to expand the current coronavirus restrictions to 27 cities of the country, that too beyond the earlier deadline of 31 August.

The body will review the restrictions on September 13.

According to the body, the decision was taken in view of the growing number of COVID-19 positive cases and the ensuing pressure on the country's healthcare system.

The NCOC said that considering the situation, the scope of the implementation of the SOPs has been extended to 27 cities of the country. Previously, these SOPs were only applicable to 13 cities.

As per the rules, all commercial activities — with the exception of essential services — will be closed by 8pm. Similarly, there will be two safe days each week, which means that markets will remain closed twice a week. However, it will be up to the provinces to decide which days would be considered safe days.

Indoor dining will remain banned across the country, while outdoor dining will only be allowed until 10pm each day. Meanwhile, restaurant takeaway and delivery services will continue to operate 24/7.

As for wedding functions, indoor weddings will be completely banned, while outdoor wedding events will be allowed with a maximum limit of 300 guests. Outdoor events will have to be wound up by 10pm.

Shrines and cinema halls will remain closed, while games such as boxing, martial arts, rugby, water polo, kabaddi, and wrestling will also be banned.

Indoor gyms will remain open to only fully vaccinated individuals, the NCOC said.

As per the previous SOPs, all public and private offices will continue to operate at a 50% capacity. Similarly, public transport will also function at a 50% capacity.

On the other hand, railway services will be allowed to operate at a 70% capacity.

Recreational parks and swimming pools will remain closed, while public parks will remain open but people entering those parks will have to follow the SOPs strictly.

The NCOC said educational institutions will operate at a 50% capacity thrice a week.

The body said that it will review the SOPs on September 13.

At the beginning of August, the NCOC had announced revised restrictions for a limited number of cities in the country where the positivity ratio of coronavirus was higher as compared to others.

Addressing a press conference to announce the revised SOPs, NCOC chief Asad Umar had said that the "targeted and staggered" decisions were taken by the government to contain the spread of the virus amid the fourth wave.

Another 69 people lost their lives to COVID-19 in Pakistan, taking the total death toll in the country above 25,600, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) revealed Sunday.

Per statistics released by the NCOC, the country recorded 3,909 new cases in the last 24 hours.

The country's official coronavirus statistics website ( reveals that in the last 24 hours, 62,918 coronavirus tests were conducted across the country out of which 3,909 turned out to be positive.

Meanwhile, the rate of coronavirus positive cases in the country was reported to be 6.21% in the 24 hours.

According to the official portal, the number of deaths from the disease in the country has reached 25,604, while the total number of cases since the outbreak has reached 1,152,481. As of now, there are 93,504 active COVID-19 cases in the country, while a total of 1,033,373 people have recovered from the virus.

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Over 20,000 Afghanistan nationals and other foreigners landed at Islamabad airport

Over 20,000 Afghanistan nationals and other foreigners have landed at Islamabad airport after their evacuation from the neighbouring country in the wake of a Taliban takeover. According to details, as many as 332 flights from military planes and private airlines had landed at the Islamabad airport after the beginning of a special flight operation from Afghanistan to evacuate stranded people on August 16. The military planes and foreign airlines had later also left with the passengers to other countries. The flight operation for evacuation of people stranded in Afghanistan in…

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NA, Senate Members to get briefing on afghanistan issue at GHQ

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Police arrested factory workers for unfortunate fire incident claimed lives of 16 people

Police on Sunday arrested the gatekeeper, supervisor and manager of a factory where an unfortunate fire incident claimed the lives of at least 16 people. The police have begun an investigation into the case where the factory owner is among six others who have been blamed for the entire tragic incident. The police said besides making arrests of the factory manager, supervisor, and gatekeeper, they have also carried out raids in parts of the interior Sindh to nab suspects who are currently in hiding. “We are investigating the suspects who…

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People will not be allowed to use public transport from Sep 15 without COVID vaccination

public transport
Sindh government on Sunday announced that the travelers will not be allowed to use public transport from September 15 without COVID vaccination. Sharing the decision, the provincial transport Minister Syed Awais Shah said that people would not be allowed to travel on public transport without receiving the first dose of a Covid jab from September 15. “The passengers willing to travel through public transport should get the first dose of the vaccine before September 15,” Syed Awais Shah said adding the vehicles carrying government and private employees will also face…

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...