Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Pak Army Takes Control of Sensitive Buildings in Red Zone

Pakistan Army
Pakistan Army contingent reached Islamabad s Red Zone to take control of sensitive buildings after they were summoned by to Interior Ministry for the security of the area.

All security arrangements in the Islamabad s Red Zone have been handed over to the Army. Pakistan Army personnel have been stationed at the President House, PM House and PM Office, the Supreme Court and other sensitive government buildings in the area.

Earlier, Interior Ministry had summoned the Pakistan Army for the security of the Red Zone in Islamabad after Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers and supporters reached Islamabad to attend the Haqeeqi Azadi March on the call of their party chief Imran Khan, Dunya News reported.

According to a notification issued in this regard, Pakistan Army has been summoned under Article 245 of the Constitution.

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PTI leaders, workers stage sit-in in Quetta

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders and workers staged a sit-in protest on the call of PTI chief Imran Khan against the ‘Imported Government’ in the lawns of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation on Wednesday.

The PTI sit-in protest entered the second day on Thursday. The provincial leadership of the PTI including Syed Zahoor Agha and Khadam Hussain Wardak are leading the sit-in protest in which party workers from across the province are present.

The participants of the sit-in are of the view that our sit-in will continue till the overthrow of the ‘Imported Government’ and the announcement of date for the new elections.

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PTI leaders, workers stage sit-in in Quetta

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders and workers staged a sit-in protest on the call of PTI chief Imran Khan against the ‘Imported Government’ in the lawns of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation on Wednesday.

The PTI sit-in protest entered the second day on Thursday. The provincial leadership of the PTI including Syed Zahoor Agha and Khadam Hussain Wardak are leading the sit-in protest in which party workers from across the province are present.

The participants of the sit-in are of the view that our sit-in will continue till the overthrow of the ‘Imported Government’ and the announcement of date for the new elections.

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IMF delays revival of much-needed programme for Pakistan

The International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) late Wednesday delayed the revival of the stalled $6-billion programme under the External Financing Facility (EFF) for Pakistan.

The revival was expected to bring stability to the financial markets, the fast-weakening Pakistani rupee, and the depleting foreign exchange reserves, as the government had pinned hopes on the programme's resumption.

Pakistan failed to convince the IMF, as both sides could not reach a staff-level agreement despite week-long negotiations in Doha, Qatar, from May 18-25.

The Fund, in a statement, has emphasised the abolition of subsidies on petroleum products and electricity, among other conditions, as a prerequisite for the programme's revival.

Following the conclusion of the talks, IMF Mission Chief for Pakistan, Nathan Porter, said the Fund held constructive discussions with the Pakistani officials, which aimed at reaching an agreement on policies and reforms.

“Mission has held highly constructive discussions with Pakistani authorities aimed at reaching an agreement on policies and reforms that would lead to the conclusion of the pending seventh review of the authorities’ reform program, which is supported by an IMF Extended Fund Facility arrangement."

Porter said considerable progress was made during the mission, including the need to continue to address high inflation and the elevated fiscal and current account deficits, while ensuring adequate protection for the most vulnerable.

The Fund also appreciated the State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP) decision to hike the policy rate from 12.25% to 13.75% — a move made to control the increasing inflation.

But the mission chief noted that on the fiscal side, there were deviations from the policies agreed upon in the last review, partly reflecting the fuel and power subsidies announced by the authorities in February.

The PTI-led government had originally agreed on raising the price of electricity and petroleum products, but later in March, Imran Khan announced subsidies on both commodities — and the current government is continuing with the same arrangement.

"The IMF team emphasised the urgency of concrete policy actions, including in the context of removing fuel and energy subsidies and the FY2023 budget, to achieve program objectives," Porter said in the statement.

The mission chief added that the IMF team looks forward to continuing its dialogue and close engagement with Pakistan’s government on policies to ensure macroeconomic stability for the benefit of all of Pakistan’s citizens.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Russian troops aim to 'destroy everything' in Donbas: Zelensky

Russian troops advanced in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, pounding key cities and aiming "to destroy everything there," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, as Moscow signalled it was digging in for a long war against its neighbor.

Three months to the day since Russia launched its invasion, Zelensky mourned the thousands of Ukrainian men and women who have perished and he renewed calls for heavy weapons from foreign partners saying arms for Kyiv were "the best investment in stability in the world."

Read more: From Missiles To Helicopters: US Says 20 Countries Offer New Arms For Ukraine

Sergiy Gaidai, governor of the eastern region of Lugansk, said Russian forces were bombarding the industrial city of Severodonetsk with air strikes, rockets, artillery and mortars in an effort to solidify control over the province and move further into Ukraine.

"The situation is very difficult and unfortunately it is only getting worse. It is getting worse with every day and even with every hour," Gaidai said in a video on Telegram. "The Russian army decided to completely destroy Severodonetsk."

He added: "They are simply erasing Severodonetsk from the face of the earth."

In Moscow, Russian Defence Minister Sergei made it clear Russia was bedding in for a long war in Ukraine.

"We will continue the special military operation until all the objectives have been achieved," Shoigu said, using Moscow s name for the war.

In his daily address to the nation late Tuesday, Zelensky called the situation in Donbas "extremely difficult," saying Russian forces were mounting a massive assault on Severodonetsk and several other cities.

Read more: Ukraine rejects concessions as Russians attack in east and south

"All the strength of the Russian army which they still have was thrown there for the offensive," Zelensky said. "The occupiers want to destroy everything there."

Supplying Ukraine with rocket-propelled grenades, tanks, anti-ship missiles and other weapons is "the best investment in maintaining stability in the world and in preventing many serious crises that Russia is planning or has already provoked," Zelensky said.

"The longer this war lasts, the greater will be the price of protecting freedom not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole free world."

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FM Bilawal, Romanian FM discuss areas of mutual cooperation

Bilawal Bhutto
Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu have discussed areas of mutual cooperation including in the areas of trade and investment, development and education as well as collaboration at multilateral forums.

They met on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Foreign Office Spokesperson said in a press release on Tuesday.

Minister of State Hina Rabbani Khar was also present during the meeting.

The foreign minister underscored that Pakistan attached high importance to its relations with Romania, both bilaterally and in the context of the European Union.

The two ministers also discussed regional and international issues of mutual interest

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Police arrest PTI leaders Ijaz Chaudhry, Mehmood ur Rasheed

 PTI’s Azadi March
With the clock ticking on PTI’s ‘Azadi March’, the police on Tuesday arrested PTI’s Senator Ejaz Chaudhry, Punjab senior leader Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed and other party workers.

The police continued to raid the houses of the PTI leaders and workers as the government has decided to stop PTI’s 'Azadi March' set to begin today (May 25).

Despite the government ban, ex-prime minister and PTI chairman Imran Khan and other party leaders have vowed to reach Islamabad for the sit-in till the announcement of new elections.

A day earlier, Punjab Police raided the houses of several PTI leaders, including former energy minister Hammad Azhar, Usman Dar, and Babar Awan, while a police constable was also shot dead during a raid in Lahore.

On Tuesday, police arrested senior PTI leader Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed in a late-night raid under section 16 of the Maintenance of the Public Order (MPO).

Earlier, police also raided former education minister Shafqat Mehmood's residence, however, he was not present at home.

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...