Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Restrictions on freedom of expression undermine Pakistan’s ability to progress: Blinken

 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Restrictions on freedom of expression undermine Pakistan’s image and its ability to progress, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

During a press briefing on world ‘Press Freedom Day’ at the US State Department, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US government was aware of the restrictions imposed on media outlets and civil society in Pakistan and highlighted this issue with his Pakistani counterpart.

He was reportedly responding to a question asked by a Pakistani journalist over Pakistan being among those countries in the world still considered the most dangerous place for journalists. Last year, many Pakistani journalists were killed, kidnapped, and tortured for exposing crime and corruption and criticising some of the government policies. "Has the State Department ever taken up this issue in bilateral talks with the Pakistani authorities?" the journalist asked.

“The short answer is yes, we take this up in our engagements with Pakistani counterparts. Of course, this is also a feature of the annual Human Rights Reports that we put out, and, of course, we’re aware of significant restrictions on media outlets and civil society more broadly in Pakistan,” he said.

Blinken's remarks came after a report released by a global media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders, showed that Pakistan slid from 145th position last year to 157th this year on the World Press Freedom Index.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also highlighted the importance of free media and termed it the future of any nation, saying, “A vibrant free press, an informed citizenry is key for any nation and its future, including Pakistan.”

“…and I think these practices that we see undermine freedom of expression,” he added.

Antony Blinked further said, “They undermine peaceful assembly. They undermine Pakistan’s image as well as its ability to progress. So it is something that comes up both in our direct engagements and in the work that we’re doing every day.”

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Facebook-owner Meta opens access to AI large language model

Facebook-owner Meta opens access to AI large language model
Facebook-owner Meta Platforms Inc is opening up access to a large language model for artificial intelligence research, the social media company said on Tuesday.

Meta said its model was the first 175-billion-parameter language model to be made available to the broader AI research community.

"Large language models" are natural language processing systems that are trained on massive volumes of text, and are capable of answering reading comprehension questions or generating new text.

In a blog post, Meta said the release of its "Open Pretrained Transformer (OPT-175B)" model would improve researchers' abilities to understand how large language models work.

Meta said restrictions on access to such models had been "hindering progress on efforts to improve their robustness and mitigate known issues such as bias and toxicity".

Artificial intelligence technology, which is a key area of research and development for several major online platforms, can perpetuate humans' societal biases around issues like race and gender. Some researchers have concerns about the harms that can be spread through large language models.

Meta said it "hoped to increase the diversity of voices defining the ethical considerations of such technologies."

The tech giant said to prevent misuse and "maintain integrity," it was releasing the model under a noncommercial license to focus on research use cases.

Meta said access to the model would be granted to academic researchers and people affiliated with the government, civil society, and academic organizations, as well as industry research laboratories. The release will include the pre-trained models and the code to train and use them.

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Pakistan urges UN to fight burgeoning disinformation on social media platforms

Ambassador Muneer Akram
Pakistan, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 — a coalition of 134 developing countries and China — has called on the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) to fight the proliferating "fake news" and disinformation on social media platforms, and pay greater attention to the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in the coronavirus and conflict-hit countries.

“The United Nations remains the indispensable foundation of a peaceful and just world — its messages must be heard in a clear and effective manner,” Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Munir Akram told the Committee on Information, a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly, on Tuesday.

Describing the Committee as vital in that regard, he said that following the challenges of the last two years, many countries now face the serious threats of food, energy and supply chain disruption.

Pakistan is the current chairman of G-77 and China, which now has 134 members and is the United Nations’ biggest intergovernmental group of emerging countries.

In his remarks, Ambassador Akram said the world at large faces severe stress due to proliferating conflicts, a new arms race, rising xenophobia and hate speech, violence and disinformation. He noted that against that backdrop, the Department has worked relatively well.

The Pakistani envoy emphasised that the growing trend of “fake news” and disinformation on online platforms demands that the Department intensify its support for efforts across the United Nations system to fight disinformation while disseminating factual, clear, accessible, multilingual and science-based information. It must also pay greater attention to the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development, in accordance with relevant resolutions and commitments, he said.

The Group of 77 is deeply concerned about digital disparities emerging as a new form of inequality between and among States, he said. “The international community, led by the United Nations, should take the necessary steps in rectifying the imbalances.”

Ambassador Akram called for efforts to leverage digital technologies to enable socio-economic development and facilitate more effective and efficient governance as well as delivery of public services, saying the Department remains well-positioned to bridge the gap between the developed and developing countries in the crucial field of public information and communications.

He went on to underline that multilingualism and cultural diversity are cardinal values of multilateralism, enshrined in the UN Charter.

In that regard, the Pakistani envoy encouraged the Department to mobilise adequate resources to promote multilingualism and maximise its outreach at the grassroots level, including by exploring innovative financing options and voluntary contributions.

While welcoming the Department’s promotional campaigns and the work of United Nations information centres, he urged it to further strengthen partnerships with new and traditional media around the world.

Opening the debate, Melissa Fleming, UN under-secretary-general for global information, said that her department was spearheading robust efforts to stem the tide of disinformation, counter-attacks on human rights and tell the human stories on the front lines of conflict.

Fleming said that, since her last briefing to the Committee in 2021, inequalities have widened across the globe, the climate crisis is worse and war is now raging in Ukraine. That conflict is sending shock waves around the world, driving food, energy and commodity prices to historic highs, while fueling hunger and possibly unrest, she added.

Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic is still not over — particularly for the one-third of the world’s population that has not received a single dose of the vaccine — she emphasised, while warning that the mis-disinformation that proliferated during the pandemic is still rising in social media news feeds, threatening truth and posing an existential risk to humanity.

Stressing the serious repercussions of all those interlinked crises, Fleming said the principles underpinning the Charter of the United Nations are “under the greatest strain” since the Organization’s founding.

Against that backdrop, the Department is advocating for multilateralism and driving a communications response that is strategic, coordinated, audience-based and impact-focused.

Spotlighting some of those initiatives, Fleming said the Department aligns United Nations communications through “cells” to speak in one voice, and with agility, on issues ranging from the climate crisis to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since the start of that conflict, the Department has worked around the clock from New York, Ukraine and across the region, she added.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Pakistan urges UN to fight burgeoning disinformation on social media platforms

Ambassador Muneer Akram
Pakistan, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 — a coalition of 134 developing countries and China — has called on the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) to fight the proliferating "fake news" and disinformation on social media platforms, and pay greater attention to the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in the coronavirus and conflict-hit countries.

“The United Nations remains the indispensable foundation of a peaceful and just world — its messages must be heard in a clear and effective manner,” Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Munir Akram told the Committee on Information, a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly, on Tuesday.

Describing the Committee as vital in that regard, he said that following the challenges of the last two years, many countries now face the serious threats of food, energy and supply chain disruption.

Pakistan is the current chairman of G-77 and China, which now has 134 members and is the United Nations’ biggest intergovernmental group of emerging countries.

In his remarks, Ambassador Akram said the world at large faces severe stress due to proliferating conflicts, a new arms race, rising xenophobia and hate speech, violence and disinformation. He noted that against that backdrop, the Department has worked relatively well.

The Pakistani envoy emphasised that the growing trend of “fake news” and disinformation on online platforms demands that the Department intensify its support for efforts across the United Nations system to fight disinformation while disseminating factual, clear, accessible, multilingual and science-based information. It must also pay greater attention to the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development, in accordance with relevant resolutions and commitments, he said.

The Group of 77 is deeply concerned about digital disparities emerging as a new form of inequality between and among States, he said. “The international community, led by the United Nations, should take the necessary steps in rectifying the imbalances.”

Ambassador Akram called for efforts to leverage digital technologies to enable socio-economic development and facilitate more effective and efficient governance as well as delivery of public services, saying the Department remains well-positioned to bridge the gap between the developed and developing countries in the crucial field of public information and communications.

He went on to underline that multilingualism and cultural diversity are cardinal values of multilateralism, enshrined in the UN Charter.

In that regard, the Pakistani envoy encouraged the Department to mobilise adequate resources to promote multilingualism and maximise its outreach at the grassroots level, including by exploring innovative financing options and voluntary contributions.

While welcoming the Department’s promotional campaigns and the work of United Nations information centres, he urged it to further strengthen partnerships with new and traditional media around the world.

Opening the debate, Melissa Fleming, UN under-secretary-general for global information, said that her department was spearheading robust efforts to stem the tide of disinformation, counter-attacks on human rights and tell the human stories on the front lines of conflict.

Fleming said that, since her last briefing to the Committee in 2021, inequalities have widened across the globe, the climate crisis is worse and war is now raging in Ukraine. That conflict is sending shock waves around the world, driving food, energy and commodity prices to historic highs, while fueling hunger and possibly unrest, she added.

Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic is still not over — particularly for the one-third of the world’s population that has not received a single dose of the vaccine — she emphasised, while warning that the mis-disinformation that proliferated during the pandemic is still rising in social media news feeds, threatening truth and posing an existential risk to humanity.

Stressing the serious repercussions of all those interlinked crises, Fleming said the principles underpinning the Charter of the United Nations are “under the greatest strain” since the Organization’s founding.

Against that backdrop, the Department is advocating for multilateralism and driving a communications response that is strategic, coordinated, audience-based and impact-focused.

Spotlighting some of those initiatives, Fleming said the Department aligns United Nations communications through “cells” to speak in one voice, and with agility, on issues ranging from the climate crisis to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since the start of that conflict, the Department has worked around the clock from New York, Ukraine and across the region, she added.

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Reza Baqir’s tenure as SBP governor expires as govt decides against extension

Reza Baqir
Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Miftah Ismail Tuesday announced that no extension has been granted to Reza Baqir as State Bank of Pakistan’s (SBP) governor as his three-year tenure expires today (Wednesday).

Taking to his official Twitter handle on Tuesday, Ismail revealed that SBP Governor Dr Reza Baqir’s three-year will expire May 4.

“I have spoken to him and told him of the government’s decision," he wrote, acknowledging his efforts during these three years.

“I want to thank Reza for his service to Pakistan. He is an exceptionally qualified man [and] we worked well during our brief time together. I wish him the very best,” the finance minister wrote.

Earlier, citing sources, The News had reported that the government was considering an extension in Dr Baqir’s tenure until a deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is finalised.”

Sources had confirmed the publication that efforts were underway for securing a second term for Dr Baqir, a former executive of IMF, and the government was likely to consider, “a few months” extension in his tenure as a "stop-gap arrangement”.

Who is Reza Baqir?

Dr Baqir was appointed as the governor of the central bank by President Arif Alvi on May 4, 2019, for a period of three years from the day he assumes the office of the Governor. He assumed his responsibilities on May 5, 2019.

In addition to his regular responsibilities overseeing financial and monetary stability in the country and promoting sustainable economic growth, Dr Baqir had led several key new initiatives at the State Bank since assuming office.

He had also held positions as IMF’s Mission Chief for Romania and Bulgaria, Division Chief of the IMF's Debt Policy Division, Strategy, Policy and Review Department, overseeing IMF’s work on debt relief and sovereign debt restructuring, head of the IMF delegation to the Paris Club for four years, and Deputy Division Chief of the Emerging Markets Division overseeing IMF’s loans and policies in emerging markets, amongst other roles.

Dr Baqir represented the State Bank of Pakistan on the Board of Directors of the Asian Clearing Union, the Board of Governors of the Economic Cooperation Organization Trade and Development Bank, the Council of Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), the Financial Stability Regional Consultative Group for Asia, and the IMF’s Board of Governors.

He was appointed as Chairman of the General Assembly of the prestigious Islamic Financial Services Board for 2022.

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In Eid message, Biden renews pledge to respect all faiths

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden used his Eid message on Monday to renew the commitment to respecting all faiths and beliefs.

The US leader also underlined the need to help those “millions of displaced persons and refugees around the globe who are spending this sacred holiday separated from their families and unsure of their future”.

Mr Biden pledged to resume the tradition of celebrating Eid at the White House this year to “honor the inspiring Muslim Americans who are leading efforts to build greater understanding and unity across our nation”.

The tradition was discontinued by the Trump administration, apparently because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pakistan’s US Ambassador Masood Khan also noted in his Eid message that President Biden would hold a special Eid event at the White House during the Eid holidays.

Mr Biden’s first two points — respecting all faiths and helping refugees and displaced persons — are also key points of his administration’s foreign policy. In March, the United States endorsed a UN resolution that declared March 15 as the anti-Islamophobia Day. It was on this day in 2019 that a right-wing extremist murdered over 50 Muslims in a terror attack on two mosques in New Zealand.

Pakistan had moved the resolution which was cosponsored by 55 — mainly Muslim — countries.

Mr Biden noted in his message that Eid marks the completion of a holy month dedicated to devotion and reflection, when families and communities come together to celebrate their blessings.

“And Eid is also an occasion for Muslims to remember all those who are struggling or impacted by poverty, hunger, conflict, and disease, and to recommit to building a better future for all,” he said

As Muslims across the United States celebrate Eid, “let us renew our dedication to our foundational commitment to respecting all faiths and beliefs”.

President Biden noted that the Holy Quran urges people to stand firmly for justice and “reminds us that we were created as nations and tribes so that we may get to know one another”.

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With all eyes on economic cooperation, high-powered UAE delegation due in Pakistan today

With all eyes on economic cooperation, high-powered UAE delegation due in Pakistan
A high-powered United Arab Emirates (UAE) delegation is due in Pakistan today to explore opportunities on the economic front after Islamabad sought a multibillion-dollar investment from Abu Dhabi.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, on his return from Saudi Arabia, had stopped in the UAE last week to hold a meeting with President Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and other top officials.

In the meeting, the premier requested the emirates senior officials to explore investment opportunities in Pakistan. The UAE has already rolled over its deposits of $2 billion lying with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

“A high-level delegation of the UAE is coming to Pakistan to meet their counterparts on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s request to the ruler of UAE. A number of proposals will be discussed and explored during this visit.

Federal Minister for Finance Miftah Ismail confirmed that the UAE delegation was coming to Pakistan to explore investment opportunities. He made it clear that the visit was not meant to seek any further aid package from the UAE.

During their visit, the UAE’s economic experts would also meet PM Shehbaz Sharif in Lahore today. The delegation will also interact with the government’s economic team and deliberate on ways to accelerate the economic activities between the two countries.

The prime minister will also host a dinner reception for the delegation, which will be held to discuss the promotion of economic and trade relations as well as investment.

The members of the delegation will be apprised of a conducive atmosphere for investment in Pakistan. The discussion on cooperation in the fields of energy, economy, and petroleum industry is also on the agenda.


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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...