Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Govt orders action against law-breakers, suspension of cellular services

Govt orders action against law-breakers, suspension of cellular services
Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed has ordered action against law-breakers and necessary measures to reopen several road and entry and exits points due to countrywide protests of a religio-political party, reported on Tuesday.

The interior ministry decided to take strict action against those disturbing law and order situation, as well as ordered to suspend cellular and internet services in affected areas.
Sheikh Rasheed chaired a high-level session to review the law and order situation of the country following the protests that erupted in multiple cities being organised by a religio-political party.

The session was attended by Federal Minister for Religious Affairs, Chief Commissioner, Inspector General (IG) Islamabad, whereas, chief secretary and IG Punjab joined the session via video link.

It has been decided by the interior ministry to take strict action against the protestors who are violating the law and necessary steps to reopen the routes for traffic. Moreover, the cellular and internet services will be suspended in affected areas for 24 hours where the law and order situation worsens.

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SC rejects Justice Isa’s plea for live telecast of review petition

SC rejects Justice Isa’s plea for live telecast of review petition
Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday has rejected Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s plea seeking a live telecast of the hearing on review petitions, reported.

According to details, a ten-member bench of the SC headed by Justice Umar Atta Bandial delivered the short verdict. Four out of ten judges disagreed with the decision of the review petition.

Justice Umar Atta Bandial, in his judgement, while rejecting the petition of Justice Qazi Faez Isa for direct coverage said that access to the information is the right of the masses, but this is an administrative matter.

On this occasion, Justice Qazi Faez said that he wanted to know the names of the judges who wrote the verdict and disagreed, to which Justice Umar Atta Bandial said that if you read the verdict, you will know their names.

The dissenting note was written by four judges. The dissenting note granted the request for live broadcast and said that it was a matter of public interest and to be shown live on the website.

The dissenting note also stated that the audio of the court proceedings can also be posted on the website. Later, the hearing of Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s reference review petition was adjourned till tomorrow.

After the verdict, Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s wife said in the courtroom that a prime minister was disqualified for not writing a letter, but a minister is not even given a court notice despite the contempt of court.

On which Justice Umar Atta Bandial said that two of your petitions were not fixed before us, to which Justice Qazi Faez Isa inquired as to why the petitions have not been fixed for hearing so far. Are judges subordinates to the Registrar?

It may be recalled that the Supreme Court had reserved its decision on March 18 last month to broadcast the hearing of the review petition of Justice Qazi Faez Isa live.

The court said that a brief verdict would be given on the live broadcast of Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s case.

from latest-news - SUCH TV https://ift.tt/3d9OaQK

Monday, April 12, 2021

Corona claims 118 more lives, 4,318 fresh infections reported in Pakistan

Corona claims 118 more lives, 4,318 fresh infections reported in Pakistan
Coronavirus has claimed 118 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 15,619,reported on Tuesday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 118 more lives and 4,318 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 76,034 and the positivity rate stood at 8.54 per cent.

The health facilities across the country conducted 50,520 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,829,994 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, no patient has declared critical, whereas, the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition stood up to 4,198.

Overall 638,267 people have recovered from the virus including 3,432 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.

Yesterday, Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar had said that compliance with the Covid-19 SOPs remains “very weak”, due to which pressure on hospitals is increasing.

Taking to Twitter, the minister said the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) today reviewed the Covid-19 situation, hospital admissions and SOPs compliance at a meeting in Islamabad.


“SOP compliance remains very weak & pressure on hospitals is increasing. Administration has been asked to ramp up compliance enforcement to avoid a crises like situation,” he said.

Briefing the media after the NCOC meeting, Special Assistant to the PM on National Health Services Dr Faisal Sultan appealed to the people to fully comply with the SOPs to avert the spread of COVID-19.

“The burden on health care system has increased following a surge in positivity ratio especially in big cities of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir,” he pointed out.

He said the process of vaccination is underway and asked the people aged above 65 to get themselves vaccinated without any prior appointment. He asked the people above 50 years of age to get themselves registered for vaccination.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV https://ift.tt/3uMiFSC

Corona claims 118 more lives, 4,318 fresh infections reported in Pakistan

Corona claims 118 more lives, 4,318 fresh infections reported in Pakistan
Coronavirus has claimed 118 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 15,619,reported on Tuesday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 118 more lives and 4,318 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 76,034 and the positivity rate stood at 8.54 per cent.

The health facilities across the country conducted 50,520 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,829,994 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, no patient has declared critical, whereas, the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition stood up to 4,198.

Overall 638,267 people have recovered from the virus including 3,432 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.

Yesterday, Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar had said that compliance with the Covid-19 SOPs remains “very weak”, due to which pressure on hospitals is increasing.

Taking to Twitter, the minister said the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) today reviewed the Covid-19 situation, hospital admissions and SOPs compliance at a meeting in Islamabad.


“SOP compliance remains very weak & pressure on hospitals is increasing. Administration has been asked to ramp up compliance enforcement to avoid a crises like situation,” he said.

Briefing the media after the NCOC meeting, Special Assistant to the PM on National Health Services Dr Faisal Sultan appealed to the people to fully comply with the SOPs to avert the spread of COVID-19.

“The burden on health care system has increased following a surge in positivity ratio especially in big cities of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir,” he pointed out.

He said the process of vaccination is underway and asked the people aged above 65 to get themselves vaccinated without any prior appointment. He asked the people above 50 years of age to get themselves registered for vaccination.

from latest-news - SUCH TV https://ift.tt/3uMiFSC

PM Imran Khan urges UN to seize opportunity for developing global economy

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan said Monday that coronavirus has given the world an opportunity to transform the global economy into a development-oriented and environmentally sustainable one.

Speaking during a special segment of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) forum on "Financing for Development" via a video link, PM Khan also demanded an "immediate return of stolen assets of developing countries."

"The deliberations of the forum this year are critical as the world battles the coronavirus and its massive socio-economic fallout," the PM said, adding that Pakistan successfully contained the first two waves of the virus through a policy of “smart lockdowns.”

"We implemented an $8-billion dollar relief package to support the poor and vulnerable, and to keep our economy afloat at the same time."

"Now, unfortunately, we are facing the third wave of the virus. InshaAllah, we hope to defeat this wave as well. We need a lot of luck, as everyone does," the PM said.

He went on to say that the international community must ensure that the vaccine is available to everyone, everywhere, and as soon as possible.

If not, the virus will roam around and come back, he said, adding that the production of the vaccine must be ramped up. Patent and technology-transfer restrictions should be waived to enable this.

“Vaccine nationalism” and export restrictions are deplorable; as is the use of the vaccine to advance national foreign policy objectives," the PM told the forum.

"This Forum is an important opportunity to adopt decisions on ways to mobilise the money needed by developing countries to recover from the COVID-induced recession and restore them on the path to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030."

"Last April, I proposed a Global Initiative on debt relief. I am glad to say that the G-20’s debt suspension has been extended. Its scope needs to be enlarged to encompass all vulnerable countries, especially the Small Island Developing States," PM Imran Khan said.

He demanded private creditors participate in providing debt relief and restructuring.

"In January of this year, at the UNCTAD meeting, I proposed a five-point agenda for emergency financial support to developing countries including debt relief and restructuring, SDR creation, and redistribution, larger concessional finance, and an end to illicit financial flows from developing countries."

"I warmly welcome the proposal from the IMF Managing Director to create 650 billion dollars in new SDRs, and appreciate the support for this from the largest shareholders, including the U.S., China, the EU and Japan," he said.

The IMF, the World Bank, and other development banks now have an ample capacity to enlarge concessional financing for developing countries, he said, adding that the forthcoming IDA replenishment should be enlarged to 60 billion dollars.

"Developing countries should also be able to borrow from the markets at the prevailing low-interest rates which are available to developed countries. The liquidity and sustainability facility, proposed by the Economic Commission for Africa, could be one of the ways to achieve this," he said.

The PM said that the Panel on Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity – the FACTI Panel – has proposed 14 recommendations to halt the outflow of trillions of dollars from developing countries.

These recommendations should be endorsed by the United Nations and all financial institutions.

"The stolen assets of developing countries must be returned immediately and more importantly unconditionally."

While speaking to the FACTI Panel, PM Imran Khan said that he had proposed the imposition of a global minimum corporate tax to avoid profit-shifting and tax avoidance by large corporations.

"I endorse the recent US proposal for such a global minimum corporate tax," he opined.

"A moratorium should be declared on the exorbitant claims adjudicated against some developing countries in investment disputes. Unequal and exploitative investment agreements should be cancelled and revised."

Towards the end of his address, PM Imran Khan said that the challenge posed by the COVID crisis is, as the UN Secretary-General has said, also an opportunity to “build back better.”

"We must seize this opportunity to transform the world economy into a development-oriented and environmentally sustainable one," he said.

He highlighted that Pakistan’s carbon emissions are among the lowest in the world. Yet, the country is one of the most seriously affected and vulnerable country due to the climate crisis.

"We have embarked on an ambitious programme to create a “green” Pakistan through reforestation, by planting 10 billion trees over the next three years, and introduction of renewable energy, electric vehicles, and a moratorium on coal-burning power plants.

The developed nations must fulfil their commitments under the Paris Agreement and mobilise 100 billion dollars annually in climate finance as they have promised. Fifty per cent of this must be devoted to adaptation programs of developing countries, he said.

"The United Nations is well placed to take the lead in formulating and coordinating the implementation of a plan to make the transition to a green global economy. I hope that the UN will create an inclusive, multi-stakeholder mechanism to do so," the PM said.

"We are at a critical point in world history. The COVID pandemic has dramatically illustrated humanity’s oneness and interdependence. We must disavow power rivalries and geopolitical competition."

"We must opt for unconditional international cooperation. Together, we can – we must – construct new, peaceful, equitable and sustainable world order," he concluded.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV https://ift.tt/3mHJVyM

PM Imran Khan urges UN to seize opportunity for developing global economy

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan said Monday that coronavirus has given the world an opportunity to transform the global economy into a development-oriented and environmentally sustainable one.

Speaking during a special segment of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) forum on "Financing for Development" via a video link, PM Khan also demanded an "immediate return of stolen assets of developing countries."

"The deliberations of the forum this year are critical as the world battles the coronavirus and its massive socio-economic fallout," the PM said, adding that Pakistan successfully contained the first two waves of the virus through a policy of “smart lockdowns.”

"We implemented an $8-billion dollar relief package to support the poor and vulnerable, and to keep our economy afloat at the same time."

"Now, unfortunately, we are facing the third wave of the virus. InshaAllah, we hope to defeat this wave as well. We need a lot of luck, as everyone does," the PM said.

He went on to say that the international community must ensure that the vaccine is available to everyone, everywhere, and as soon as possible.

If not, the virus will roam around and come back, he said, adding that the production of the vaccine must be ramped up. Patent and technology-transfer restrictions should be waived to enable this.

“Vaccine nationalism” and export restrictions are deplorable; as is the use of the vaccine to advance national foreign policy objectives," the PM told the forum.

"This Forum is an important opportunity to adopt decisions on ways to mobilise the money needed by developing countries to recover from the COVID-induced recession and restore them on the path to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030."

"Last April, I proposed a Global Initiative on debt relief. I am glad to say that the G-20’s debt suspension has been extended. Its scope needs to be enlarged to encompass all vulnerable countries, especially the Small Island Developing States," PM Imran Khan said.

He demanded private creditors participate in providing debt relief and restructuring.

"In January of this year, at the UNCTAD meeting, I proposed a five-point agenda for emergency financial support to developing countries including debt relief and restructuring, SDR creation, and redistribution, larger concessional finance, and an end to illicit financial flows from developing countries."

"I warmly welcome the proposal from the IMF Managing Director to create 650 billion dollars in new SDRs, and appreciate the support for this from the largest shareholders, including the U.S., China, the EU and Japan," he said.

The IMF, the World Bank, and other development banks now have an ample capacity to enlarge concessional financing for developing countries, he said, adding that the forthcoming IDA replenishment should be enlarged to 60 billion dollars.

"Developing countries should also be able to borrow from the markets at the prevailing low-interest rates which are available to developed countries. The liquidity and sustainability facility, proposed by the Economic Commission for Africa, could be one of the ways to achieve this," he said.

The PM said that the Panel on Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity – the FACTI Panel – has proposed 14 recommendations to halt the outflow of trillions of dollars from developing countries.

These recommendations should be endorsed by the United Nations and all financial institutions.

"The stolen assets of developing countries must be returned immediately and more importantly unconditionally."

While speaking to the FACTI Panel, PM Imran Khan said that he had proposed the imposition of a global minimum corporate tax to avoid profit-shifting and tax avoidance by large corporations.

"I endorse the recent US proposal for such a global minimum corporate tax," he opined.

"A moratorium should be declared on the exorbitant claims adjudicated against some developing countries in investment disputes. Unequal and exploitative investment agreements should be cancelled and revised."

Towards the end of his address, PM Imran Khan said that the challenge posed by the COVID crisis is, as the UN Secretary-General has said, also an opportunity to “build back better.”

"We must seize this opportunity to transform the world economy into a development-oriented and environmentally sustainable one," he said.

He highlighted that Pakistan’s carbon emissions are among the lowest in the world. Yet, the country is one of the most seriously affected and vulnerable country due to the climate crisis.

"We have embarked on an ambitious programme to create a “green” Pakistan through reforestation, by planting 10 billion trees over the next three years, and introduction of renewable energy, electric vehicles, and a moratorium on coal-burning power plants.

The developed nations must fulfil their commitments under the Paris Agreement and mobilise 100 billion dollars annually in climate finance as they have promised. Fifty per cent of this must be devoted to adaptation programs of developing countries, he said.

"The United Nations is well placed to take the lead in formulating and coordinating the implementation of a plan to make the transition to a green global economy. I hope that the UN will create an inclusive, multi-stakeholder mechanism to do so," the PM said.

"We are at a critical point in world history. The COVID pandemic has dramatically illustrated humanity’s oneness and interdependence. We must disavow power rivalries and geopolitical competition."

"We must opt for unconditional international cooperation. Together, we can – we must – construct new, peaceful, equitable and sustainable world order," he concluded.

from latest-news - SUCH TV https://ift.tt/3mHJVyM

South Africa beat Pakistan by six wickets in 2nd T20I

South Africa beat Pakistan by six wickets in 2nd T20I
South Africa beat Pakistan after hitting the 140-run target in the second T20I at the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg.

South Africa's Aiden Markram hit 54 runs in 30 balls, skipper Heinrich Klaasen scored 36, and George Linde hit 20 runs, helping the Proteas level the series 1-1.

Pakistani bowlers were hapless against South Africa batters as they managed to pick up just four wickets. Usman Qadir managed a pair of wickets while Hasan Ali and Mohammad Hasnain took a wicket each.

Pakistan reached a measly 140 for 9, courtesy Babar Azam's 50 off 50 balls and Mohammad Hafeez's 32 off 23. However, the rest of the batting lineup failed to produce many runs.

George Linde did the big damage in the Powerplay before Lizaad Williams, Sisanda Magala, and Tabraiz Shamsi joined in later on.

In the last game, Pakistan beat South Africa by four wickets in an exciting first match of the four-match series at Johannesburg in the penultimate over of the game.

They reached a target of 189 with just one ball to spare. It was also Pakistan’s 100th win in the shortest format of the game.

Man-of-the-match Mohammad Rizwan led Pakistan to victory with his unbeaten 74, comprising two sixes and nine fours.

Pakistan will be hoping that their middle-order gets firing in this game and sees Mohammad Hafeez among the runs.

The Pakistani bowling attack will be seeking to hit the right lengths after they failed to impress in the first game.

South Africa are missing several of their regular players and, in the last game, handed a debut to three players — Wihan Lubbe, Sisanda Magala, and Lizaad Williams.

Five key players from the Proteas squad — Quinton de Kock, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, and Lungi Ngidi — departed for the Indian Premier League. Apart from their departure, the Proteas have also lost their regular limited-overs captain Temba Bavuma and their highest run-scorer of the ODI series Rassie van der Dussen.


South Africa:

Heinrich Klaasen (captain, wicketkeeper), Daryn Dupavillon, Bjorn Fortuin, Beuran Hendricks, George Linde, Wihan Lubbe, Sisanda Magala, Janneman Malan, Aiden Markram, Wiaan Mulder, Andile Phehlukwayo, Migael Pretorius, Tabraiz Shamsi, Lutho Sipamla, Pite van Biljon, Rassie van der Dussen, Kyle Verreynne, Lizaad Williams


Babar Azam (captain), Arshad Iqbal, Asif Ali, Danish Aziz, Faheem Ashraf, Fakhar Zaman, Haider Ali, Haris Rauf, Hasan Ali, Mohammad Hafeez, Mohammad Hasnain, Mohammad Nawaz, Mohammad Rizwan (wicketkeeper), Mohammad Wasim, Sarfaraz Ahmed (wicketkeeper), Shaheen Shah Afridi, Sharjeel Khan, Usman Qadir, Zahid Mahmood

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...