Monday, April 12, 2021

FIA summons Jahangir and Ali Tareen, seeks response on eight questions  

FIA summons Jahangir and Ali Tareen
The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has asked estranged PTI leader Jahangir Tareen and his son Ali Tareen to appear before it and respond to eight questions, with the relevant documents.

A press statement issued by the FIA said that it was investigating the PTI leader on allegations of “criminal breach of trust, financial fraud and money laundering by JDW and its related companies JKFSL & FPML, since August 8 2020”.

The FIA said that it wants to see the “complete inventory, with commercial invoices wherever applicable” of the plant, machinery and equipment, any fixed assets, stores, spares and loose tools and intangible assets owned by JKFSL as of November 20, 2013.

The agency has also sought the independent valuation report of JKFSL which was done by the audit company AF Ferguson & Co.

“Annual (audited) financial statement where a true a clear disclosure has been made by JDW (prepared by Kamran lqbal Yousafi FCA, KPMG-Taseer Hadi & Co Chartered Accountants) vis-a-vis choosing a pre-meditated 'non-arms length purchase price', reasons for not measuring the price at arm's length and the financial impact thereof (as required by Para 13 of 4th Schedule to Companies Ordinance 1984),” said the FIA.

The investigating agency also sought the “engagement letter” JDW had formed for the “valuation of JKFSL assets” by Unicorn International Survoyers.

Apart from this, the FIA wants the complete details of the 35,000 acres of farmland owned by the PTI leader. It added that the information must be “correct to acres, owned by or under lease of JDW clearly showing plot-size, location along with title and lease deeds”.

“MCIB-JDW documents (Engagement Letter, Correspondence & Bank's Reports) pertaining to engagement of JDW with MCB Investment Bank in 2012/2013) that suggested an injection of Rs2/3 Billion in FPML as disclosed by Jahangir Khan Tareen (then) CEO JDW in his statement given to FIA on April 9 2021,” said the FIA.

The agency has asked the PTI leader to share the detail of foreign assets owned by him and his son in the UK and other countries, including the “family-owned 12-acres Hyde-House in New Hampshire”.

The FIA said that the house was mentioned by then CEO of JKFSL Ali Tareen in his statement given to FIA on April 9 2021. It has asked that the Tareens mention if the “assets have been declared to FBR or not, acquired by or on behalf of the then CEOs JDW and JKFSL or their family members”.

“The details should include complete description of assets, location, mode and cost of acquisition along with money trail,” said the FIA.

The FIA reminded the Tareens that they had failed to produce the documents despite “repeated summons and requests sent to JDW, JKFSL & FPML officers”. It added that the CEO/ CFO/ Co. secretary had informed the FIA that the transactions were with the PTI leader and his son.

The FIA said that Jahangir and Ali will have to appear before it on Tuesday, April at 10:00am.

The FIA warned that “non-compliance” of the “call up notice and continued failure to produce the relevant record” will lead the FIA to believe that the omission is deliberate. It added that the investigation “will [then] proceed on the basis of documentary evidence available on records”.

An FIA Lahore investigation team registered a case of alleged fraud of Rs3.14 billion on March 22 against Jahangir and Ali.

The FIR states that Jahangir allegedly transferred illegal shares worth billions of rupees to Farooqi Pulp Mills Limited (FPML), which is owned by his son and close relatives.

It says the transfers, especially after 2011-12, were "patently fraudulent investments which ultimately translated into personal gains" for Jahangir's family. Some Rs3 billion were invested and laundered through the same factory.

The FIR outlines when and how FPML was made back in 1991.

It includes sections 406, 420 and 109 of the Pakistan Penal Code with Section 3/4 of Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010. Rana M Shawaz is the investigation officer.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Defiant PPP says is vacating all positions in PDM, demands apology

PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Monday announced that the party's Central Executive Committee (CEC) has called upon its members to resign from all positions of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Flanked by party leaders, Bilawal held a news conference to speak about the matters that came under discussion during the recently-held Central Executive Committee meeting of the party.

He said the CEC had come to the conclusion that resignations from the national and provincial assemblies should be "like an atom bomb".

Bilawal said the PPP's stance that the Opposition should not "abandon the Parliament and the Senate battleground" had been vindicated.

He said if the PPP had listened to other political parties in the Opposition and boycotted the Senate elections and by-elections, then it would have harmed democracy.

"We did not give the PTI government an open field to form a two-thirds majority in the Senate," he said, adding that the government lost on its "own pitch" when the PDM candidate won from the Nowshera by-election.

"We will not undermine these gains that the PPP has achieved after giving many sacrifices," he said. "When the PML-N was in power, we protected the Parliament then and we will protect the Parliament today."

He said those who wanted to resign from the Parliament, should do so.

"But, no one should try to impose their will or their dictation on any other political party," he said. "And the Pakistan Peoples Party will continue in its firm, consistent Opposition to the selected government that has been ongoing since day one and has not broken for a single day," stressed the PPP chairperson.

"The Pakistan Peoples Party rejects the so-called show-cause notice," he said. "Politics is done with equality and respect," he added.

"The PPP demands an unconditional apology to the ANP and to the PPP for this obnoxious attitude," he said.

Bilawal said the PPP stands by the ANP and would not abandon them under any circumstances. "There is no concept of show-cause notices in democratic alliances," he said.

He recounted the PPP's participation in the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy and the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy.

"We condemn the politics of Opposition against members of the Opposition," he said.

The PPP chairperson said his party's doors were open for all other parties, adding that there should be a "working relationship" among them.

"PTI-IMF" deal

He spoke about the $500mn loan received by Pakistan from the IMF. "It [IMF deal] consistently targets the poor people of Pakistan," he said, adding that the government is putting the burden on the shoulders of the poor.

"Neither the details of the PTI's deal with the IMF have been shared with the people or their representatives," he said. "Whatever knowledge we derived about is was due to the IMF's documents," he added.

He blamed the government for conducting "a historic attack" on the country's economic independence, saying that through the draft State Bank of Pakistan ordinance that the Centre wanted to be passed, the government was ensuring that the central bank does not answer to the country.

"The PPP's Central Executive Committee rejects it [the ordinance] and we will, even in Ramadan, start a campaign against this PTI-IMF deal," he said.

'Confusing, contradictory policy on Kashmir'

The PPP chairperson said the government's policy on the contentious Kashmir issue was "contradictory and confusing". He said it was the obligation of the government to represent and be the voice of the oppressed Kashmiris in their time of need.

He said the BJP's manifesto spoke about annexing occupied Kashmir. "Despite that, during India's election campaign, the prime minister of Pakistan said if Modi wins, only then the issue of Kashmir will be solved," Bilawal stressed.

The PPP chairperson said "history will remmeber" this sentence by PM Imran Khan.

"History will remember there was a prime minister who was this inept and a failure on this issue," he lashed out at the premier.

Bilawal lamented PM Imran Khan had reacted to India's illegal August 5 move by saying: "What can I do?"

"And all of a sudden Imran Khan remembered that Modi, for whom he campaigned during the entire elections, was a fascist," he said, mocking the prime minister.

He then pointed out how the government had, at first, said it wanted to trade with India but later rejected its on move. "Khan can't seem to not make mistakes on Kashmir," he said. "And he keeps on making mistakes on Kashmir [again and again]," he said.

"He [Imran Khan] says at times that he is the ambassador of Kashmir but then acts as Kulbhushan Jadhav's lawyer," said the PPP chairperson.

Bilawal said "when a leader leads" the country by taking the Parliament and the people into confidence, then the country can tackle India and other powers in the world as well.

He said the PPP's CEC had decided to take up the issues of occupied Kashmir through its Kashmir Action Committee time and again, adding that it was the party's resolve to ensure the Parliament is taken on-board in matters concerning the masses.

2017 census results

Bilawal said the CEC also discussed the census 2017 results, adding that the PPP had conditionally accepted census 2017 results at first.

He said it was on the basis of the results of the census that the country's resources were distributed to provinces. Bilawal said the census 2017 were "de jure" results and not the "de jure" figures.

"It doesn't count the people actually living there and consuming figures," he said, adding that it was the PPP's demand that the de facto results be included in the census.

He demanded the government discuss the census results during a joint session of the Parliament. "A transparent census is necessary to empower the people of Pakistan," he said.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

FIA summons Jahangir and Ali Tareen, seeks response on eight questions  

FIA summons Jahangir and Ali Tareen
The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has asked estranged PTI leader Jahangir Tareen and his son Ali Tareen to appear before it and respond to eight questions, with the relevant documents.

A press statement issued by the FIA said that it was investigating the PTI leader on allegations of “criminal breach of trust, financial fraud and money laundering by JDW and its related companies JKFSL & FPML, since August 8 2020”.

The FIA said that it wants to see the “complete inventory, with commercial invoices wherever applicable” of the plant, machinery and equipment, any fixed assets, stores, spares and loose tools and intangible assets owned by JKFSL as of November 20, 2013.

The agency has also sought the independent valuation report of JKFSL which was done by the audit company AF Ferguson & Co.

“Annual (audited) financial statement where a true a clear disclosure has been made by JDW (prepared by Kamran lqbal Yousafi FCA, KPMG-Taseer Hadi & Co Chartered Accountants) vis-a-vis choosing a pre-meditated 'non-arms length purchase price', reasons for not measuring the price at arm's length and the financial impact thereof (as required by Para 13 of 4th Schedule to Companies Ordinance 1984),” said the FIA.

The investigating agency also sought the “engagement letter” JDW had formed for the “valuation of JKFSL assets” by Unicorn International Survoyers.

Apart from this, the FIA wants the complete details of the 35,000 acres of farmland owned by the PTI leader. It added that the information must be “correct to acres, owned by or under lease of JDW clearly showing plot-size, location along with title and lease deeds”.

“MCIB-JDW documents (Engagement Letter, Correspondence & Bank's Reports) pertaining to engagement of JDW with MCB Investment Bank in 2012/2013) that suggested an injection of Rs2/3 Billion in FPML as disclosed by Jahangir Khan Tareen (then) CEO JDW in his statement given to FIA on April 9 2021,” said the FIA.

The agency has asked the PTI leader to share the detail of foreign assets owned by him and his son in the UK and other countries, including the “family-owned 12-acres Hyde-House in New Hampshire”.

The FIA said that the house was mentioned by then CEO of JKFSL Ali Tareen in his statement given to FIA on April 9 2021. It has asked that the Tareens mention if the “assets have been declared to FBR or not, acquired by or on behalf of the then CEOs JDW and JKFSL or their family members”.

“The details should include complete description of assets, location, mode and cost of acquisition along with money trail,” said the FIA.

The FIA reminded the Tareens that they had failed to produce the documents despite “repeated summons and requests sent to JDW, JKFSL & FPML officers”. It added that the CEO/ CFO/ Co. secretary had informed the FIA that the transactions were with the PTI leader and his son.

The FIA said that Jahangir and Ali will have to appear before it on Tuesday, April at 10:00am.

The FIA warned that “non-compliance” of the “call up notice and continued failure to produce the relevant record” will lead the FIA to believe that the omission is deliberate. It added that the investigation “will [then] proceed on the basis of documentary evidence available on records”.

An FIA Lahore investigation team registered a case of alleged fraud of Rs3.14 billion on March 22 against Jahangir and Ali.

The FIR states that Jahangir allegedly transferred illegal shares worth billions of rupees to Farooqi Pulp Mills Limited (FPML), which is owned by his son and close relatives.

It says the transfers, especially after 2011-12, were "patently fraudulent investments which ultimately translated into personal gains" for Jahangir's family. Some Rs3 billion were invested and laundered through the same factory.

The FIR outlines when and how FPML was made back in 1991.

It includes sections 406, 420 and 109 of the Pakistan Penal Code with Section 3/4 of Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010. Rana M Shawaz is the investigation officer.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

Defiant PPP says is vacating all positions in PDM, demands apology

PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Monday announced that the party's Central Executive Committee (CEC) has called upon its members to resign from all positions of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Flanked by party leaders, Bilawal held a news conference to speak about the matters that came under discussion during the recently-held Central Executive Committee meeting of the party.

He said the CEC had come to the conclusion that resignations from the national and provincial assemblies should be "like an atom bomb".

Bilawal said the PPP's stance that the Opposition should not "abandon the Parliament and the Senate battleground" had been vindicated.

He said if the PPP had listened to other political parties in the Opposition and boycotted the Senate elections and by-elections, then it would have harmed democracy.

"We did not give the PTI government an open field to form a two-thirds majority in the Senate," he said, adding that the government lost on its "own pitch" when the PDM candidate won from the Nowshera by-election.

"We will not undermine these gains that the PPP has achieved after giving many sacrifices," he said. "When the PML-N was in power, we protected the Parliament then and we will protect the Parliament today."

He said those who wanted to resign from the Parliament, should do so.

"But, no one should try to impose their will or their dictation on any other political party," he said. "And the Pakistan Peoples Party will continue in its firm, consistent Opposition to the selected government that has been ongoing since day one and has not broken for a single day," stressed the PPP chairperson.

"The Pakistan Peoples Party rejects the so-called show-cause notice," he said. "Politics is done with equality and respect," he added.

"The PPP demands an unconditional apology to the ANP and to the PPP for this obnoxious attitude," he said.

Bilawal said the PPP stands by the ANP and would not abandon them under any circumstances. "There is no concept of show-cause notices in democratic alliances," he said.

He recounted the PPP's participation in the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy and the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy.

"We condemn the politics of Opposition against members of the Opposition," he said.

The PPP chairperson said his party's doors were open for all other parties, adding that there should be a "working relationship" among them.

"PTI-IMF" deal

He spoke about the $500mn loan received by Pakistan from the IMF. "It [IMF deal] consistently targets the poor people of Pakistan," he said, adding that the government is putting the burden on the shoulders of the poor.

"Neither the details of the PTI's deal with the IMF have been shared with the people or their representatives," he said. "Whatever knowledge we derived about is was due to the IMF's documents," he added.

He blamed the government for conducting "a historic attack" on the country's economic independence, saying that through the draft State Bank of Pakistan ordinance that the Centre wanted to be passed, the government was ensuring that the central bank does not answer to the country.

"The PPP's Central Executive Committee rejects it [the ordinance] and we will, even in Ramadan, start a campaign against this PTI-IMF deal," he said.

'Confusing, contradictory policy on Kashmir'

The PPP chairperson said the government's policy on the contentious Kashmir issue was "contradictory and confusing". He said it was the obligation of the government to represent and be the voice of the oppressed Kashmiris in their time of need.

He said the BJP's manifesto spoke about annexing occupied Kashmir. "Despite that, during India's election campaign, the prime minister of Pakistan said if Modi wins, only then the issue of Kashmir will be solved," Bilawal stressed.

The PPP chairperson said "history will remmeber" this sentence by PM Imran Khan.

"History will remember there was a prime minister who was this inept and a failure on this issue," he lashed out at the premier.

Bilawal lamented PM Imran Khan had reacted to India's illegal August 5 move by saying: "What can I do?"

"And all of a sudden Imran Khan remembered that Modi, for whom he campaigned during the entire elections, was a fascist," he said, mocking the prime minister.

He then pointed out how the government had, at first, said it wanted to trade with India but later rejected its on move. "Khan can't seem to not make mistakes on Kashmir," he said. "And he keeps on making mistakes on Kashmir [again and again]," he said.

"He [Imran Khan] says at times that he is the ambassador of Kashmir but then acts as Kulbhushan Jadhav's lawyer," said the PPP chairperson.

Bilawal said "when a leader leads" the country by taking the Parliament and the people into confidence, then the country can tackle India and other powers in the world as well.

He said the PPP's CEC had decided to take up the issues of occupied Kashmir through its Kashmir Action Committee time and again, adding that it was the party's resolve to ensure the Parliament is taken on-board in matters concerning the masses.

2017 census results

Bilawal said the CEC also discussed the census 2017 results, adding that the PPP had conditionally accepted census 2017 results at first.

He said it was on the basis of the results of the census that the country's resources were distributed to provinces. Bilawal said the census 2017 were "de jure" results and not the "de jure" figures.

"It doesn't count the people actually living there and consuming figures," he said, adding that it was the PPP's demand that the de facto results be included in the census.

He demanded the government discuss the census results during a joint session of the Parliament. "A transparent census is necessary to empower the people of Pakistan," he said.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

Putin offers 'limitless ticket to ride' to Pakistan

Putin offers 'limitless ticket to ride' to Pakistan
When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Islamabad last week after a gap of nine years, he had delivered an "important" message to the Pakistani leadership. The message was from President Vladimir Putin.

"I came with a message from my president that tell Pakistan we are open for any cooperation, whatever Pakistan needs Russia is ready for it," Lavrov was quoted by a senior Pakistani official, who attended the closed door meeting between the Russian foreign minister and Pakistani authorities, as saying.

"In other words, the Russian president offered us a blank cheque," said the official, who requested not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The official revealed that Putin had conveyed to Pakistan through his top diplomat that Moscow would help Islamabad in any manner. "If you're interested in gas pipelines, corridors, defence or any other cooperation, Russia stands ready for it," the official quoted FM Lavrov as saying when asked what he meant by "blank cheque".Pakistan and Russia are already working on the North-South gas pipeline project. The two sides had entered into the agreement in 2015 to lay a pipeline from Karachi to Lahore. The project is estimated to cost $2 billion.

The work on the pipeline could not kick off because of possible American sanctions. The two sides, however, recently agreed to approve a new structure that would pave the way for the start of the work.

Russia is also keen to revive the Pakistan Steel Mills, which it originally built. Similarly, Moscow has interest in hydroelectric projects. Overall, Russia is thought to be willing to make $8 billion investment in different areas.

"It is now up to us to follow up this successful visit," the official said.When asked the possibility of Pakistan acquiring Russian air defence systems, the official said he could not talk about the specifics but Russia had shown willingness to expand the cooperation with Pakistan.

At the joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart, the Russian foreign minister had said Moscow was ready to supply Pakistan with "special military equipment" to enhance its anti-terrorists potential. He, however, did not provide further details.

Relations between Pakistan and Russia have undergone transformation in recent years thanks to the new alignments and strategic realities.

The rapprochement between the former Cold War rivals began in 2011 when Pakistan's relationship with the US hit the rock bottom. At that time, a decision was taken to bring a strategic shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The shift envisaged reaching out to Russia as part of Pakistan’s efforts to diversify its foreign policy options.

The two countries initially worked quietly to find common ground. The years-long efforts had resulted in the Russian decision to send its troops to Pakistan for the first time in history for joint exercises in 2016. Moscow even overruled the Indian objections over holding joint drills with Pakistan.

Since then, the two countries have been regularly holding these exercises and they are looking to further deepen that cooperation.

Pakistan is hoping that Russian President Vladimir Putin would visit the country, something that would complete the Pak-Russia ties from being Cold War foes to friends.

In contrast, Russian ties with once its solid ally India are heading in the opposite direction. The two still have good relationship but the usual warmth they expressed earlier have been missing.

It was rare that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not give audience to a visiting Russian foreign minister. Russia is concerned that Indian tilt towards the US would pose threat to its interests.

It was because of these reasons, Lavrov, both in New Delhi and Islamabad, indirectly objected to the grouping of US, India, Japan and Australia.

These developments are bringing countries such as Russia, China and Pakistan together.


from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Putin offers 'limitless ticket to ride' to Pakistan

Putin offers 'limitless ticket to ride' to Pakistan
When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Islamabad last week after a gap of nine years, he had delivered an "important" message to the Pakistani leadership. The message was from President Vladimir Putin.

"I came with a message from my president that tell Pakistan we are open for any cooperation, whatever Pakistan needs Russia is ready for it," Lavrov was quoted by a senior Pakistani official, who attended the closed door meeting between the Russian foreign minister and Pakistani authorities, as saying.

"In other words, the Russian president offered us a blank cheque," said the official, who requested not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The official revealed that Putin had conveyed to Pakistan through his top diplomat that Moscow would help Islamabad in any manner. "If you're interested in gas pipelines, corridors, defence or any other cooperation, Russia stands ready for it," the official quoted FM Lavrov as saying when asked what he meant by "blank cheque".Pakistan and Russia are already working on the North-South gas pipeline project. The two sides had entered into the agreement in 2015 to lay a pipeline from Karachi to Lahore. The project is estimated to cost $2 billion.

The work on the pipeline could not kick off because of possible American sanctions. The two sides, however, recently agreed to approve a new structure that would pave the way for the start of the work.

Russia is also keen to revive the Pakistan Steel Mills, which it originally built. Similarly, Moscow has interest in hydroelectric projects. Overall, Russia is thought to be willing to make $8 billion investment in different areas.

"It is now up to us to follow up this successful visit," the official said.When asked the possibility of Pakistan acquiring Russian air defence systems, the official said he could not talk about the specifics but Russia had shown willingness to expand the cooperation with Pakistan.

At the joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart, the Russian foreign minister had said Moscow was ready to supply Pakistan with "special military equipment" to enhance its anti-terrorists potential. He, however, did not provide further details.

Relations between Pakistan and Russia have undergone transformation in recent years thanks to the new alignments and strategic realities.

The rapprochement between the former Cold War rivals began in 2011 when Pakistan's relationship with the US hit the rock bottom. At that time, a decision was taken to bring a strategic shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The shift envisaged reaching out to Russia as part of Pakistan’s efforts to diversify its foreign policy options.

The two countries initially worked quietly to find common ground. The years-long efforts had resulted in the Russian decision to send its troops to Pakistan for the first time in history for joint exercises in 2016. Moscow even overruled the Indian objections over holding joint drills with Pakistan.

Since then, the two countries have been regularly holding these exercises and they are looking to further deepen that cooperation.

Pakistan is hoping that Russian President Vladimir Putin would visit the country, something that would complete the Pak-Russia ties from being Cold War foes to friends.

In contrast, Russian ties with once its solid ally India are heading in the opposite direction. The two still have good relationship but the usual warmth they expressed earlier have been missing.

It was rare that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not give audience to a visiting Russian foreign minister. Russia is concerned that Indian tilt towards the US would pose threat to its interests.

It was because of these reasons, Lavrov, both in New Delhi and Islamabad, indirectly objected to the grouping of US, India, Japan and Australia.

These developments are bringing countries such as Russia, China and Pakistan together.


from latest-news - SUCH TV

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Corona claims 58 more lives in Pakistan, death toll reach to 15,501

Corona claims 58 more lives in Pakistan, death toll reach to 15,501
Coronavirus has claimed 58 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 15,501, reported on Monday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 58 more lives and 4,584 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 75,266 and the positivity rate stood at 10.29 per cent.

The health facilities across the country conducted 44,514 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,779,474 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, 58 patients were declared critical, adding to the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition up to 4,201.

Overall 634,835 people have recovered from the virus including 3,135 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.

Earlier on Sunday, the Punjab health department had proposed a complete lockdown for two weeks in the province to curb the rising number of coronavirus cases.

The decision had been taken in a meeting of the Punjab health department chaired by its minister Dr Yasmin Rashid to review the COVID-19 situation. The meeting had recommended imposing a complete lockdown for two weeks in seven districts of Punjab.

The approval for the lockdown will be sought in the meeting of the Punjab cabinet meeting.


from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...