Friday, November 27, 2020

Pakistan Ordnance Factories serving as backbone in defence of Pakistan: COAS Bajwa

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Friday visited Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) Wah.

Appreciating the management and staff of POF for their dedication to optimise the output, COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa termed POF a force behind the armed forces serving as the backbone in defence of Pakistan, said the military’ media wing.

The COAS said that modernization and indigenous development to attain self-reliance in defence production is vital to meet the challenges of the future battlefield.

He was given a detailed briefing on the performance of various production units, ISPR said, adding that the briefing focused on targets achieved, future projects, envisaged modernisation for cost-effective and sustainable production and acquisition of modern technology in line with prevailing operational requirements of Pakistan armed forces.

The COAS was also apprised on POF endeavours for international ventures focusing on exports to contribute to the national exchequer, read the statement. He also visited display lounge where newly developed defence products were showcased.

Earlier on arrival, the COAS was received by POF Chairman Lieutenant General Bilal Akbar.

Earlier on November 7, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa had visited logistic installations of Lahore Corps.

During interaction with troops, General Qamar Javed Bajwa had said that efficient and smooth logistics will enhance the overall operational readiness and response capacity against adventurism by the enemy, the military’s media wing had said.


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Trump says he'll leave if Electoral College seats Biden

US President Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he will leave the White House if the Electoral College formalises President-Elect Joe Biden's victory even as he insisted such a decision would be a mistake as he spent his Thanksgiving renewing baseless claims that massive fraud and crooked officials in battleground states caused his election defeat.

"Certainly I will. But you know that,” Trump said on Thursday when asked whether he would vacate the building, allowing a peaceful transition of power in January.

But Trump — taking questions for the first time since Election Day — insisted that "a lot of things” would happen between now and then that might alter the results.

"This has a long way to go," Trump said, even though he lost.

The fact that a sitting American president even had to address whether or not he would leave office after losing re-election underscores the extent to which Trump has smashed one convention after another over the last three weeks.

While there is no evidence of the kind of widespread fraud Trump has been alleging, he and his legal team have nonetheless been working to cast doubt on the integrity of the election and trying to overturn voters will in an unprecedented breach of democratic norms.

Trump spoke to reporters in the White House's ornate Diplomatic Reception Room after holding a teleconference with US military leaders stationed across the globe.

He thanked them for their service and jokingly warned them not to eat too much turkey, then turned to the election after ending the call. He repeated grievances and angrily denounced officials in Georgia and Pennsylvania, two key swing states that helped give Biden the win.

Trump claimed, despite the results, that this may not be his last Thanksgiving at the White House. And he insisted there had been "massive fraud,” even though state officials and international observers have said no evidence of that exists and Trump's campaign has repeatedly failed in court.

Trump's administration has already given the green light for a formal transition to get under way. But Trump took issue with Biden moving forward.

"I think its not right that he's trying to pick a cabinet," Trump said, even though officials from both teams are already working together to get Biden's team up to speed.

And as he refused to concede, Trump announced that he will be traveling to Georgia to rally supporters ahead of two Senate run-off elections that will determine which party controls the Senate.

Trump said the rally for Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler would likely be held Saturday. The White House later clarified he had meant December 5.

One of the reasons Republicans have stood by Trump and his baseless claims of fraud has been to keep his loyal base energised ahead of those run-offs on January 5.

But Trump, in his remarks, openly questioned whether that election would be fair in a move that could dampen Republican turnout.

“I think you're dealing with a very fraudulent system. I'm very worried about that,” he said. "People are very disappointed that we were robbed."

As for the Electoral College, Trump made clear that he will likely never formally concede, even if he said he would leave the White House.

"It's gonna be a very hard thing to concede. Because we know there was massive fraud," he said, noting that, "time isn't on our side".

"If they do," vote against him, Trump added, "they've made a mistake".

Asked whether he would attend Biden's inauguration, Trump said he knew the answer but didn't want to share it yet.

But there were some signs that Trump was coming to terms with his loss.

At one point he urged reporters not to allow Biden the credit for pending coronavirus vaccines.

"Don't let him take credit for the vaccines because the vaccines were me and I pushed people harder than they've ever been pushed before,” he said.

As for whether or not he plans to formally declare his candidacy to run again in 2024 — as he has discussed with aides — Trump said he didn't "want to talk about 2024 yet”.

All states must certify their results before the Electoral College meets on December 14, and any challenge to the results must be resolved by December 8.

States have already begun that process, including Michigan, where Trump and his allies tried and failed to delay the process, and Georgia and Pennsylvania.

Vote certification at the local and state level is typically a ministerial task that gets little notice, but that changed this year with Trump's refusal to concede and his unprecedented attempts to overturn the results of the election through a fusillade of legal challenges and attempts to manipulate the certification process in battleground states he lost.

Biden won by wide margins in both the Electoral College and popular vote, where he received nearly 80 million votes, a record.

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Prominent Iranian physicist assassinated near Tehran: Defense Ministry

Prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has been assassinated in a terrorist attack near the capital Tehran.

The Fars news agency reported that he had been targeted on Friday in a multi-pronged attack involving at least one explosion and small fire by a number of assailants in Absard city of Damavand County, Tehran Province.

The media office of Iran’s Defense Ministry said Fakhrizadeh, who headed the ministry's Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), “was severely wounded in the course of clashes between his security team and terrorists and was transferred to hospital,” where he succumbed to his wounds.

In a statement, Iranian Foreign Ministry Mohammad Javad Zarif roundly condemned the terror attack, saying there were “serious indications” of the Israeli regime’s role in the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, a professor of physics at Imam Hussein University of Tehran.

“Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today. This cowardice—with serious indications of Israeli role—shows desperate warmongering of perpetrators,” he said in a tweet.

The top Iranian diplomat called on the international community, especially the European Union, to “end their shameful double standards & condemn this act of state terror.”

Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan, military advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, also reacted to Fakhrizadeh’s martyrdom in a tweet, vowing a crushing response to the perpetrator.

“We will come down hard on those who killed Martry Mohsen Fakhrizadeh like thunder and make them regret their deed,” he said.

“In the final days of their allied gambler’s political life, the Zionists are after intensifying pressure on Iran in order to trigger an all-out war,” said Dehqan in a reference to outgoing US President Donald Trump’s final days in office.

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Aseefa to share stage with PDM leaders at Multan rally

Asif Ali Zardari’s daughter Aseefa Bhutto-Zardari
PPP stalwart and former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gillani said on Friday former president Asif Ali Zardari’s daughter Aseefa Bhutto-Zardari will address the Pakistan Democratic Movement’s (PDM) Multan rally slated for November 30.

Speaking to the media, he said PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari won’t be able to attend the public meeting to be held in Multan to mark the party’s foundation day after being diagnosed with the coronavirus.

“The Multan rally will be held come what may,” he declared, alleging the government is creating a law and order situation by trying to stop the party from holding a massive power show in the city.

It is worthwhile to mention here that the Multan district authorities have denied permission to the Pakistan People’s Party for a public meeting in Multan on November 30. The Deputy Commissioner Multan refused permission on a request submitted by PPP leader Natasha Daultana citing ‘current situation’ of the spike in COVID-19 cases.

“The health department has imposed a ban on large gatherings of more than 300 people,” the district official said in his response to the PPP request. “The permission for the public meeting will be a violation of the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to tackle the coronavirus pandemic,” the DC responded to the request.

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Qureshi reiterates Pakistan's desire for peace in Afghanistan at OIC

Qureshi reiterates Pakistan's desire for peace in Afghanistan at OIC
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi reiterated on Friday Pakistan's desire for peace in Afghanistan, and dignified and honourable return of Afghan refugees to their homeland.

"Pakistan will continue to play its conciliatory role for peace in the neighbouring country," FM Qureshi said during his meeting with Afghan counterpart Mohammed Haneef Atmar on the sidelines of the 47th session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers’ meeting, happening in Niamey, Niger.

FM Qureshi added that Afghan leadership should remain cognisant of elements that want to sabotage peace efforts in Afghanistan.

Qureshi reaffirmed Pakistan's commitment to further strengthen bilateral relations with the country.

The Afghan foreign minister commended Pakistan's sincere efforts in the Afghan peace process.

On November 25, in a video message, FM Qureshi said the OIC meeting would deliberate upon the challenges faced by the Muslim community and other important issues and added that he would present Pakistan's stance on the changes taking place on the international landscape.

"Muslims are perturbed over the rising incidents of Islamophobia," the foreign minister said, adding that, "Pakistan has a very categorical and clear stance on the matter."

Referring to Indian atrocities in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and Indian state terrorism in Pakistan, the FM said that OIC was the appropriate forum to highlight Indian brutality against innocent Kashmiri people.

The foreign minister added that on the sidelines of the OIC meeting, he would also hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts from other Islamic countries.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had also praised outgoing United States President Donald Trump for his role in the resumption of peace dialogues in Afghanistan and expressed hope that the president-elect, Joe Biden would continue to follow his predecessor's strategy in the war-torn country.

PM Imran expressed hope that Biden will not pull back from the good work done by Trump in Afghanistan.

He also warned against the spoilers of Afghan peace, saying that the level of violence has increased in the neighbouring country. PM Imran said that there was great hope that the dialogues in Afghanistan would succeed.

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Nawaz Sharif offers mother Begum Shamim Akhtar's funeral prayers in London

Nawaz Sharif offers mother Begum Shamim Akhtar's funeral prayers in London
PML-N supremo and former prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif offered the funeral prayers of his mother, Begum Shamim Akhtar, in London on Friday along with several family and party members.

The prayers were held in London Central Mosque — alternatively known as Regent's Park Mosque — where the number of participants had to be limited to 30 under the United Kingdom's coronavirus guidelines.

After the prayers, Begum Shamim's body was taken to the London Heathrow Airport for repatriation to Pakistan.

Earlier, ex-finance minister Ishaq Dar had announced that Nawaz Sharif would not be able to accompany his mother's body to Pakistan as he was not declared medically fit to travel by his doctors.

Begum Shamim Akhtar passed away in London on November 22 at the age of 89. She had developed a severe chest infection and was suffering from an advanced stage of Alzheimer's Disease. Her condition had deteriorated and she could not regain her health due to old age.

The deceased was receiving treatment at a London hospital and her body is currently kept at the Avenfield Apartments where she was staying with Nawaz Sharif.

The body had been transferred to the London Central Mosque's mortuary late Sunday night after the coroner and local police spent about three hours at the Sharif family's apartment to complete paperwork to determine the cause of death and other legal requirements.

Burial in Pakistan

Funeral prayers of Begum Shamim Akhtar will also be offered at the Sharif Medical City in Jati Umrah on Saturday after which her body will be laid to rest.

Shahbaz Sharif, Hamza Shahbaz released on parole for funeral

The Punjab government on Tuesday approved releasing Shahbaz Sharif and his son Hamza Shahbaz on five-day parole to attend Begum Shamim’s funeral subjected to her body’s arrival in the country.

The two leaders have been imprisoned after being charged for money laundering.


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Khalid Khurshid set to become next Gilgit Baltistan chief minister

 Khalid Khurshid
Advocate Khalid Khurshid is set to become the next chief minister of Gilgit Baltistan.

PTI Chief Organiser Saifullah Niazi said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has finalized the name of Advocate Khalid Khurshid for Gilgit Baltistan chief minister.

Khalid Khurshid contested 2020 Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly election from constituency GBA-13 (Astore-I) on the ticket of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

He won the election by a margin of 1,719 votes over the runner-up Abdul Hameed Khan of Pakistan People’s Party. He garnered 4,836 votes while Abdul Hameed received 3,117 votes.

According to PTI, Khalid Khurshid, who joined the party in 2018, will be party's candidate for the chief ministership. Prime Minister Imran Khan chose Khalid Khurshid after holding consultations with PTI central and Gilgit Baltistan leadership.

Earlier, several names emerged for the coveted position of chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan. Four names – Fatehullah, Khalid Khurshid, Col R Obaidullah and Advocate Nazir Ahmed – were with Prime Minister Imran Khan for consideration.

Among them Khalid Khurshid got succeeded to win the confidence of the prime minister for the coveted job. On Thursday, PTI leader Syed Amjad Ali Zaidi has been elected as third speaker of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly after securing 18 votes.

The united opposition’s candidate Ghulam Ahmad got only eight votes. Six votes rejected (4 government and 2 opposition) due to inaccurate stamping.

Outgoing GBLA speaker Fida Muhammad Nashad administered the oath to the newly elected Amjad Zaidi. G-B went to election on November 15 to elect 24 lawmakers of the legislative assembly on general seats.

The voting was held on 23 seats as the election was delayed because of the death of a candidate. The by-poll to that seat was held last week.

According to the official results of the G-B election, the PTI gained two-thirds majority with the joining of six independent lawmakers.

According to the official results, PTI had 22 seats in the 33-strong house. The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) followed with 5 and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) 3.

The Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM), Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) and independent share one seat each. All the newly-elected lawmakers were sworn during the inaugural session of the assembly, chaired by Speaker Haji Fida Muhammad Nashad.

The speaker administered the oath. Addressing the session Nashad congratulated the newly-election members.

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...