Thursday, October 1, 2020

Nawaz Sharif taking revenge from Pakistan through his speeches: Shibli Faraz

Information minister Shibli Faraz
Information minister Shibli Faraz on Thursday said "the person speaking from London against the state's institutions" was trying to save his assets and that it was his bid to take "revenge from Pakistan".

In a press conference in Islamabad, while referring to former premier and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, Faraz said that the ones speaking against the country had accumulated assets worth billions and dealt great damage to Pakistan.

Faraz asked Nawaz to clarify how he had purchased the Avenfield apartments in London. "You answered every question except the ones that were asked."

The information minister said that the PML-N supremo had crippled the country's economy and that during his party's tenure such accords were struck that had led to a surge in electricity prices.

On the industrial front, he said that local industries had shut down because imports had become cheap and local production was expensive during the PML-N's tenure.

'Pretending to be Nelson Mandela'

Slamming Nawaz for "pretending to be [Nelson] Mandela", while residing in London, he said that the PML-N supremo "was and is the cause of inflation in Pakistan".

Faraz said that Nawaz was speaking against the institutions as they were not standing by him.

"You are akin to MQM founder Altaf Hussain," he said, adding that the court had remarked that his exit from the country was a "mockery of the entire justice system".

"A person who believes in upholding the law does not commit such an act," he said, adding that the confidence with which Nawaz lies was second to none.

The information said that Nawaz, in a bid to save himself had "made Pakistan's democratic system controversial". "You are the enemy of democracy."

The minister said that Nawaz was speaking against the same system that had allowed him to exit the country.

"We received votes to chase after you [and bring you down]".

Faraz said that the PML-N supremo's speeches against the institutions would not give him any leverage, and he said that PM Imran Khan performs better when he is under pressure.

"[Nawaz] wears a watch worth Rs70 million and claims he has sympathy for the people," said Faraz, adding that he should bring the "looted" money back to Pakistan along with his children.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Nawaz Sharif taking revenge from Pakistan through his speeches: Shibli Faraz

Information minister Shibli Faraz
Information minister Shibli Faraz on Thursday said "the person speaking from London against the state's institutions" was trying to save his assets and that it was his bid to take "revenge from Pakistan".

In a press conference in Islamabad, while referring to former premier and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, Faraz said that the ones speaking against the country had accumulated assets worth billions and dealt great damage to Pakistan.

Faraz asked Nawaz to clarify how he had purchased the Avenfield apartments in London. "You answered every question except the ones that were asked."

The information minister said that the PML-N supremo had crippled the country's economy and that during his party's tenure such accords were struck that had led to a surge in electricity prices.

On the industrial front, he said that local industries had shut down because imports had become cheap and local production was expensive during the PML-N's tenure.

'Pretending to be Nelson Mandela'

Slamming Nawaz for "pretending to be [Nelson] Mandela", while residing in London, he said that the PML-N supremo "was and is the cause of inflation in Pakistan".

Faraz said that Nawaz was speaking against the institutions as they were not standing by him.

"You are akin to MQM founder Altaf Hussain," he said, adding that the court had remarked that his exit from the country was a "mockery of the entire justice system".

"A person who believes in upholding the law does not commit such an act," he said, adding that the confidence with which Nawaz lies was second to none.

The information said that Nawaz, in a bid to save himself had "made Pakistan's democratic system controversial". "You are the enemy of democracy."

The minister said that Nawaz was speaking against the same system that had allowed him to exit the country.

"We received votes to chase after you [and bring you down]".

Faraz said that the PML-N supremo's speeches against the institutions would not give him any leverage, and he said that PM Imran Khan performs better when he is under pressure.

"[Nawaz] wears a watch worth Rs70 million and claims he has sympathy for the people," said Faraz, adding that he should bring the "looted" money back to Pakistan along with his children.

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School reopening and COVID-19 surge has no clear link, finds study

School reopening and COVID-19 surge has no clear link
A study of 191 countries has found that widespread reopening of schools after lockdowns and vacations is generally not linked to rising COVID-19 rates and that lockdown closures will leave a 2020 “pandemic learning debt” of 300 billion missed school days.

The analysis, by the Geneva-based independent educational foundation Insights for Education (IfE), said 84% of those 300 billion days would be lost by children in poorer countries, and warned that 711 million pupils were still out of school.

“It’s been assumed that opening schools will drive infections, and that closing schools will reduce transmission, but the reality is much more complex,” said IfE’s founder and chief executive Randa Grob-Zakhary.

The vast majority - 92% - of countries that are through their first wave of COVID-19 infections have started to reopen school systems, even as some are seeing a second surge.

IfE found that 52 countries that sent students back to school in August and September – including France and Spain – saw infection rates rise during the vacation compared to when they were closed.

In Britain and Hungary, however, infection levels dropped after initial school closures, remained low during the holidays, and began rising after reopening.

Full analysis of these 52 countries found no firm correlation between school status and infections - pointing to a need to consider other factors, IfE said.

“The key now is to learn from those countries that are reopening effectively against a backdrop of rising infections,” Grob-Zakhary said.

The report said 44 countries have kept schools closed.

It found countries are developing strategies for schools during the pandemic - including some, such as Italy, France, which order temporary school closures on a case-by-case basis.

Other measures include policies on masks, class rotations and combining remote with in-school lessons.

“This first real global test highlights what school life looks like in a COVID-world,” said Grob-Zakhary. “Understanding how countries undergoing a massive second wave are dealing with this new reality in the classroom is essential to guide future reopening decisions and to help schools remain open.”

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Prominent UK MPs join Labour Friends of Kashmir executive

Prominent UK MPs join Labour Friends of Kashmir executive
Labour members of the UK parliament including Shabana Mahmood, Naz Shah, Sam Tarry and Rachel Hopkins have joined the Labour Friends of Kashmir Executive at the inaugural meeting of the Labour Friends of Kashmir Parliamentary Liaison Committee.

The organisation chair Andrew Gwynne MP announced the appointments of the Labour MPs. At least 20 MPS attended the meeting.

Senior officials of the organisation including Chairman Andrew Gwynne, National Coordinator Wajid Khan and General Secretary Waseem Zaffar gave briefing to the members of the UK parliament on the work of the organisation. They highlighted the importance of helping the Labour Party develop a strong policy to bring about peace in South Asia with a focus on the eradication of human rights violations.

Briefing the MPs, the chairman said, "I'm delighted to welcome my parliamentary colleagues to the executive who will join a talented group wanting to work across the Labour movement to play a role in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the longstanding Kashmir issue. Shabana, Naz, Sam and Rachel are all champions of the cause, and their skills will make Labour Friends of Kashmir stronger."

Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP and Anas Sarwar MSP will now work as West Midlands and Scottish Parliament spokespersons for Labour Friends of Kashmir, respectively, according to an announcement at the meeting.

Gwynne commented, "Liam and Anas are two of the most passionate parliamentarians who have always spoke up in support of the people of Kashmir. Their organisational skills will no doubt be a huge asset to Labour Friends of Kashmir."

Associated with the Labour movement, the Labour Friends of Kashmir is a voluntary group that campaigns for peace and justice in Kashmir, with a specific focus on international law and human rights.

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Maryam Nawaz rules out dialogue with govt, refuses to recognise current 'set-up'

PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz
PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz categorically rejected a dialogue with the current government, saying that she did not recognise it or the "fake" government of PM Imran Khan.

Flanked by PML-N leaders Javed Hashmi and Pervaiz Rashid, Maryam said that for the first time over the past 72 years of Pakistan's history, Punjab had not surrendered to the "establishment".

"Did you see how, over the past few days when stones were pelted outside NAB office and cases were filed, how the workers went to jail instead of the leaders [of the PML-N]?" she asked.

She said that those who were trying to use underhanded tactics to pressurise the government would fail because the PML-N is "united and its vote bank has increased and those who love Nawaz Sharif have also increased".

Maryam said that the incumbent government was so weak that it will not be able to complete its tenure. "This government is so weak that it will fall on its face before its tenure ends," she said, adding that all that was required to send the current set-up packing was one push.

Lashing out at PM Imran Khan, Maryam referred to him as a "weak" and "inept person" who is unable to manage the affairs of the state and as a result, tells institutions to deal with the crises instead.

"There will come a time when even the institutions will tell you to fight your cases yourself, don't use us" she said. "That time has come now."

Responding to a question on whether or not she will opt for dialogue to resolve the current stand-off between the government and the opposition, Maryam categorically said she would not.

"I am not ready to recognise such a government, and you talk of me having a dialogue with them," she responded, blaming the incumbent government and other elements for hijacking elections 2018 and not believing in the Constitution.

"Neither does I recognise this fake prime minister, neither do I recognise this government nor this set-up. We should have called out this set-up since day one. However, it's never too late," she said.

In response to a question about Khawaja Asif's statement on Asif Ali Zardari, Maryam said that Nawaz had already spoken on the matter and his speech had gone live in front of the world. However, she said that Nawaz believes in ensuring unity and harmony between all parties part of the PDM, whether it be the PPP or the JUI-F.

Nawaz had earlier called out the incumbent government for what he termed its "dual standards of accountability", saying that he can "no longer remain quiet" on the matter.

He was addressing a PML-N central working committee meeting via a video link from London.

"Nawaz Sharif is not made of the kind of stuff that can stand remaining quiet on dual standards of accountability," he said, adding that "no one should try to silence him".

He said that although Prime Minister Imran Khan "is to blame" for the country's current state, "it is those who brought him into power who are truly responsible".

"They will have to answer," Nawaz had said.

As he began his address, he spoke of how it had been a long time since such an address had taken place. "I am addressing you all after a long time. And in these two-and-a-half years we have all endured much."

"But it is with God's grace we are seeing each other now," Nawaz said.

"When I look at the state the country is in, it saddens me deeply," the former prime minister said. "We were on such a great path to progress and look at where we are now."

Nawaz had said he sees a world of a difference between the Pakistan of a few years ago and the one before us now. "I do not understand why this has happened."

"We were so prosperous until 2018. Our tenure lasted 2013-2018 and with your prayers and God's mercy and your support from 2013-2017, I was prime minister," he said.

"Me and my team who are sitting here and also those not here, such as Shahbaz Sharif who is in jail, paying for crimes not committed — together, we were changing the fate of Pakistan."

"These are not empty words, you yourself have witnessed the fruits of our efforts," Nawaz said.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Maryam Nawaz rules out dialogue with govt, refuses to recognise current 'set-up'

PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz
PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz categorically rejected a dialogue with the current government, saying that she did not recognise it or the "fake" government of PM Imran Khan.

Flanked by PML-N leaders Javed Hashmi and Pervaiz Rashid, Maryam said that for the first time over the past 72 years of Pakistan's history, Punjab had not surrendered to the "establishment".

"Did you see how, over the past few days when stones were pelted outside NAB office and cases were filed, how the workers went to jail instead of the leaders [of the PML-N]?" she asked.

She said that those who were trying to use underhanded tactics to pressurise the government would fail because the PML-N is "united and its vote bank has increased and those who love Nawaz Sharif have also increased".

Maryam said that the incumbent government was so weak that it will not be able to complete its tenure. "This government is so weak that it will fall on its face before its tenure ends," she said, adding that all that was required to send the current set-up packing was one push.

Lashing out at PM Imran Khan, Maryam referred to him as a "weak" and "inept person" who is unable to manage the affairs of the state and as a result, tells institutions to deal with the crises instead.

"There will come a time when even the institutions will tell you to fight your cases yourself, don't use us" she said. "That time has come now."

Responding to a question on whether or not she will opt for dialogue to resolve the current stand-off between the government and the opposition, Maryam categorically said she would not.

"I am not ready to recognise such a government, and you talk of me having a dialogue with them," she responded, blaming the incumbent government and other elements for hijacking elections 2018 and not believing in the Constitution.

"Neither does I recognise this fake prime minister, neither do I recognise this government nor this set-up. We should have called out this set-up since day one. However, it's never too late," she said.

In response to a question about Khawaja Asif's statement on Asif Ali Zardari, Maryam said that Nawaz had already spoken on the matter and his speech had gone live in front of the world. However, she said that Nawaz believes in ensuring unity and harmony between all parties part of the PDM, whether it be the PPP or the JUI-F.

Nawaz had earlier called out the incumbent government for what he termed its "dual standards of accountability", saying that he can "no longer remain quiet" on the matter.

He was addressing a PML-N central working committee meeting via a video link from London.

"Nawaz Sharif is not made of the kind of stuff that can stand remaining quiet on dual standards of accountability," he said, adding that "no one should try to silence him".

He said that although Prime Minister Imran Khan "is to blame" for the country's current state, "it is those who brought him into power who are truly responsible".

"They will have to answer," Nawaz had said.

As he began his address, he spoke of how it had been a long time since such an address had taken place. "I am addressing you all after a long time. And in these two-and-a-half years we have all endured much."

"But it is with God's grace we are seeing each other now," Nawaz said.

"When I look at the state the country is in, it saddens me deeply," the former prime minister said. "We were on such a great path to progress and look at where we are now."

Nawaz had said he sees a world of a difference between the Pakistan of a few years ago and the one before us now. "I do not understand why this has happened."

"We were so prosperous until 2018. Our tenure lasted 2013-2018 and with your prayers and God's mercy and your support from 2013-2017, I was prime minister," he said.

"Me and my team who are sitting here and also those not here, such as Shahbaz Sharif who is in jail, paying for crimes not committed — together, we were changing the fate of Pakistan."

"These are not empty words, you yourself have witnessed the fruits of our efforts," Nawaz said.

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Trump backpedals over racist group row, Biden blasts him as 'embarrassment'

US President Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump scrambled on Wednesday to quell an uproar over his failure to explicitly denounce white supremacist groups during his debate debacle with Joe Biden, who branded his election rival a “national embarrassment”.

The bitter adversaries returned to the campaign trail one day after their off-the-rails showdown in Cleveland made headlines less for the substance than for its unrestrained chaos.

The toxic shout fest — with Trump constantly interrupting and Biden launching personal attacks — even prompted the overseeing Commission on Presidential Debates to announce it would be imposing new measures to help moderators “maintain order” at the upcoming two debates.

After his assertive performance Biden launched a whistlestop train tour on Wednesday through battleground states Ohio and Pennsylvania where he hammered away at Trump.

“The president of the United States conducted himself the way he did — I think it was a national embarrassment,” Biden said in Alliance, Ohio.

He fiercely attacked Trump's failure to clearly denounce white supremacist groups or the far-right Proud Boys, instead giving a shout-out to the male-only militia group by saying they should “stand back and stand by,” and that the real problem is “far-left” extremists.

“My message to the Proud Boys and every other white supremacist group is: cease and desist,” Biden said. “This is not who we are as Americans.”

Trump, in an apparent attempt to tamp down outrage over his comments, called on the group to “stand down”.

“I don't know who Proud Boys are but whoever they are they have to stand down,” Trump told reporters. “Stand down, let law enforcement do their work.”

Trump must 'correct' comments

Trump's backpedaling came after multiple Republicans distanced themselves from the president's debate remark, with Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the US Senate, saying Trump “needs to correct” his comments.

Several other Republicans reportedly offered similar reactions, including powerful Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Biden, who leads in election polling, knocked Trump for failing to speak directly to the US public about their plight during the Covid-19 crisis, which has killed more than 206,000 Americans.

And during a train stop in Pittsburgh he assailed the president for “planting seeds of doubt” about US election integrity by saying mail-in voting will be riddled with “fraud like you've never seen”. But Biden gnawed at the white supremacy issue throughout the day.

At a stop in Greensburg, Pennsylvania — where hundreds of people gathered in what was one of Biden's biggest crowds since the pandemic hit — he pointed to how the Proud Boys were already treating Trump's words as a boost to their cause.

“They got a new emblem now, literally, it says 'Stand down and stand by,' implying that if he loses the election something may have to be done,” Biden, 77, said, misquoting Trump's debate comment.

“I promise you, that won't happen,” he added. “Nobody is going to get in the way of our democratic process going forward.”

Biden was also pushing his blue-collar roots, as he accepted the endorsement from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, with 550,000 members.

“Donald Trump sees things from Park Avenue. I see them from where I grew up in Scranton,” Biden said.


Snap polls on the debate performances of the presidential candidates leaned towards Biden, who withstood a barrage of barbs from the 74-year-old Trump while delivering some of his own.

An estimated 73.1 million people in the US watched the two candidates go toe-to-toe on TV, according to data firm Nielsen.

The Cleveland debate was scheduled to be the first of three before the election but the acrimonious debacle led to calls by some commentators for the two others to be cancelled.

In an interview with CNN, Biden's running mate Senator Kamala Harris suggested it was unlikely that the Democratic nominee would bow out of the next debates.

“Joe Biden's never going to refuse to talk to the American people,” Harris said.

The next debate is scheduled for October 15 in Miami.

Trump meanwhile flew to Duluth, Minnesota, a Midwestern state narrowly won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, for an outdoor rally with his faithful.

Ally Eid, 29, among several supporters standing in an early Wednesday drizzle awaiting the president, said she was not offended at Trump's brash debate outbursts.

“He speaks his mind and gets his points across and that's why so many people support him,” Eid told AFP. “He stands up for what everyone wants to say but they won't say it on national television.”

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...