Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Restaurants, shopping malls must shut down at 10pm, says NCOC amid rising coronavirus cases

Shopping mall
The National Command and Operations Centre has issued a fresh warning to business owners, warning them to shut down before or by 10pm.

The decision is aimed to curb the further spread of an already rising number of coronavirus infections and pertains to:

- Restaurants

- Wedding halls

- Commercial markets

- Shopping malls

Essential services such as medical stores, clinics and hospitals will remain open.

Public parks have been asked to shut down by 6pm.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

Restaurants, shopping malls must shut down at 10pm, says NCOC amid rising coronavirus cases

Shopping mall
The National Command and Operations Centre has issued a fresh warning to business owners, warning them to shut down before or by 10pm.

The decision is aimed to curb the further spread of an already rising number of coronavirus infections and pertains to:

- Restaurants

- Wedding halls

- Commercial markets

- Shopping malls

Essential services such as medical stores, clinics and hospitals will remain open.

Public parks have been asked to shut down by 6pm.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

PM Imran Khan urges Muslim leaders to break the cycle of hate, extremism

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday urged Muslim leaders to collectively raise their voice and break the cycle of hate and extremism between the Muslim and Western world "that nurtures violence".

“We, as leaders of Muslim polities, must take the initiative to call for an end to this cycle of hate and violence,” he wrote, in a letter shared on Twitter.

He called upon Muslim leaders to explain to non-Muslim leaders — especially in Western states — the “deep-seated reverence and love all Muslims feel for the Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)".

PM Imran Khan said that the world is seeing a “growing concern and restlessness” among the Muslim Ummah due to the increase in “Islamophobia and attacks, through ridicule and mockery” of Prophet (PBUH) in the Western world, especially Europe.

“The recent statements at the leadership level and incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries where sizeable Muslim populations reside,” said PM Imran, in the letter.

The prime minister told Muslim leaders that apart from statements being issued, mosques were being closed in Europe. He also highlighted that “Muslim women are being denied their right to wear clothing of their choice” in the public despite nuns and priests continuing to display their religious clothing.

He said that “covert and overt discrimination is widespread against Muslims” living in such countries.

“I believe the leadership in these countries, often acts out of lack of understanding of the intrinsic deep passion, love and devotion Muslims all over the world have for their Prophet (PBUH) and their divine book the Holy Quran,” said PM Imran Khan.

According to the prime minister, such actions lead to a “dangerous cycle of actions and reactions” that in turn leads to reactions from Muslims “as they see their faith and their beloved Prophet targeted”.

He added that it also leads to “further discriminatory actions by governments” against Muslim populations of those states which then leads to “marginalisation of Muslims and the creating of space for radical, far-right groups to exploit the situation”.

“On the other side, the resulting marginalisation leads to radicalisation and this vicious cycle continues to create increasing space for extremists on all sides,” said the prime minister.

PM Imran Khan said that in such a situation, it is “incumbent” on leaders of the Muslim world to “collectively take the lead in breaking this cycle of hate and extremism, which nurtures violence and even death”.

“It is time to reach out to ‘the other’ [side] and end cycles of violence bred of ignorance and hate,” said PM Imran. He added that Muslim leaders needed to explain to the Western world that “value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups”.

PM Imran Khan cited the example of the Jews and the holocaust which he said that Muslim countries understand and respect.

“There has to be an understanding by the Western world of giving a similar respect to Muslims, who have also seen their people killed in mass numbers, from Bosnia to Iraq to Afghanistan, to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, but for whom the pain and hurt is greatest when we see attacks on our faith and our beloved Prophet PBUH through mockery, ridicule and even abuse. In fact, blasphemy against any Prophet of Islam, Christianity or Judaism is unacceptable in our faith,” he wrote.

The Pakistani leader said that the time has come for Muslim leaders to “take this message with clarity and unity to the rest of the world” and that this was needed so there could be an "end to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)”.

“The world cannot continue on this hate spiral, which only benefits extremists agendas on all sides and results in polarised societies and violence,” said PM Imran. He added that the Islamic faith is guided by “peace and tolerance as practiced in Riyasat-i-Madina and in accordance with Misaq-i-Madina (the Treaty concluded by our Prophet PBUH between Muslims and Jews)”.

“It is our responsibility to inform the world of this spirit and core of our faith Islam,” he concluded by saying.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

Pakistan still fighting crucial war against coronavirus: PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan said Wednesday that Pakistan is still not out of the woods yet, as far as coronavirus is concerned.

"Pakistan is still fighting a big war against COVID-19," he said, addressing the Insaf Doctors Forum at the Aiwan-e-Iqbal. He paid tribute to healthcare professionals for offering their services when the virus was at its peak in June last year.

PM Imran credited doctors, nurses and medical workers for "facing such hard times", adding that they are the ones who face "real pressure" when the going gets tough.

Warning about the impending second wave of the coronavirus, he said that the government has received reports of COVID-19 cases surging in Pakistan daily.

The premier said that it was important for Pakistanis to observe health guidelines as the next two months were crucial, as the winter season approaches.

He warned that cities such as Lahore, Karachi, Gujranwala and a few others — where the level of pollution remains high — are especially at risk from a surge in coronavirus cases as the winter season approaches.

The prime minister lamented at the state of government hospitals in the country, saying that their standards had deteriorated over the years. "My entire family, including myself, were born in Mayo Hospital," he said. "Government hospitals used to perform well back then. There were proper systems [in place]," he added.

He said that the condition of government hospitals deteriorated when government institutions were nationalised. "Ever since God created this world, whenever the concept of reward and punishments are abolished, that system goes down," he said.

"Why should I work hard when I get the same money as another doctor who does not work hard at all," asked the premier.

He hit out at previous governments for getting elected but doing nothing for the masses. "Those who were super rich, they started going abroad for checkups even over a simple cough," he said. "How were our hospitals to improve then?"

The prime minister said that he was tired of people asking him where was Naya Pakistan. "I am tired of explaining to these people that Naya Pakistan is not a switch," he said. "[They expect] a government to come into power, press a switch and everything solves by itself. This only happens in fairy tales. In real life, a reform process comes about as a result of a struggle," he added.

PM Imran stressed on youngsters to study the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a role model and his achievements in establishing the State of Madinah.

"I see youngsters today reading books on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. They do this as they want to be successful like him. You should read about the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as he was able to achieve what no other man before or after him was able to."

Speaking about the implementation of reforms in hospitals, the premier said that small groups of influential people were present in every government hospital.

"They had contacts with judges of high courts and obtained stay orders [against reforms]. A lawyer used to represent all of them [mafia with vested interests] who used to obtain a stay order," he said. "There were obstacles in every path."

However, the prime minister said that "change had arrived", adding that the government had set up plenty of "quality buildings" such as the Hayatabad Medical Complex and other medical institutions.

'Pickpocketers have gathered together'

Turning his guns towards the Opposition, the prime minister said that all those with "vested interests" and the "pickpocketers" had gathered together.

"They are seeing for the first time ever that they will be held accountable for their treacherous attitude towards the country and for looting it," he said. "They know that here is a prime minister who will not be blackmailed and will hold them accountable."

The prime minister said that these were the country's "defining moments", adding that the mafia stopping Pakistan's progress will be sent to jails.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

PM Imran Khan urges Muslim leaders to break the cycle of hate, extremism

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday urged Muslim leaders to collectively raise their voice and break the cycle of hate and extremism between the Muslim and Western world "that nurtures violence".

“We, as leaders of Muslim polities, must take the initiative to call for an end to this cycle of hate and violence,” he wrote, in a letter shared on Twitter.

He called upon Muslim leaders to explain to non-Muslim leaders — especially in Western states — the “deep-seated reverence and love all Muslims feel for the Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)".

PM Imran Khan said that the world is seeing a “growing concern and restlessness” among the Muslim Ummah due to the increase in “Islamophobia and attacks, through ridicule and mockery” of Prophet (PBUH) in the Western world, especially Europe.

“The recent statements at the leadership level and incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries where sizeable Muslim populations reside,” said PM Imran, in the letter.

The prime minister told Muslim leaders that apart from statements being issued, mosques were being closed in Europe. He also highlighted that “Muslim women are being denied their right to wear clothing of their choice” in the public despite nuns and priests continuing to display their religious clothing.

He said that “covert and overt discrimination is widespread against Muslims” living in such countries.

“I believe the leadership in these countries, often acts out of lack of understanding of the intrinsic deep passion, love and devotion Muslims all over the world have for their Prophet (PBUH) and their divine book the Holy Quran,” said PM Imran Khan.

According to the prime minister, such actions lead to a “dangerous cycle of actions and reactions” that in turn leads to reactions from Muslims “as they see their faith and their beloved Prophet targeted”.

He added that it also leads to “further discriminatory actions by governments” against Muslim populations of those states which then leads to “marginalisation of Muslims and the creating of space for radical, far-right groups to exploit the situation”.

“On the other side, the resulting marginalisation leads to radicalisation and this vicious cycle continues to create increasing space for extremists on all sides,” said the prime minister.

PM Imran Khan said that in such a situation, it is “incumbent” on leaders of the Muslim world to “collectively take the lead in breaking this cycle of hate and extremism, which nurtures violence and even death”.

“It is time to reach out to ‘the other’ [side] and end cycles of violence bred of ignorance and hate,” said PM Imran. He added that Muslim leaders needed to explain to the Western world that “value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups”.

PM Imran Khan cited the example of the Jews and the holocaust which he said that Muslim countries understand and respect.

“There has to be an understanding by the Western world of giving a similar respect to Muslims, who have also seen their people killed in mass numbers, from Bosnia to Iraq to Afghanistan, to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, but for whom the pain and hurt is greatest when we see attacks on our faith and our beloved Prophet PBUH through mockery, ridicule and even abuse. In fact, blasphemy against any Prophet of Islam, Christianity or Judaism is unacceptable in our faith,” he wrote.

The Pakistani leader said that the time has come for Muslim leaders to “take this message with clarity and unity to the rest of the world” and that this was needed so there could be an "end to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)”.

“The world cannot continue on this hate spiral, which only benefits extremists agendas on all sides and results in polarised societies and violence,” said PM Imran. He added that the Islamic faith is guided by “peace and tolerance as practiced in Riyasat-i-Madina and in accordance with Misaq-i-Madina (the Treaty concluded by our Prophet PBUH between Muslims and Jews)”.

“It is our responsibility to inform the world of this spirit and core of our faith Islam,” he concluded by saying.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Pakistan still fighting crucial war against coronavirus: PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan said Wednesday that Pakistan is still not out of the woods yet, as far as coronavirus is concerned.

"Pakistan is still fighting a big war against COVID-19," he said, addressing the Insaf Doctors Forum at the Aiwan-e-Iqbal. He paid tribute to healthcare professionals for offering their services when the virus was at its peak in June last year.

PM Imran credited doctors, nurses and medical workers for "facing such hard times", adding that they are the ones who face "real pressure" when the going gets tough.

Warning about the impending second wave of the coronavirus, he said that the government has received reports of COVID-19 cases surging in Pakistan daily.

The premier said that it was important for Pakistanis to observe health guidelines as the next two months were crucial, as the winter season approaches.

He warned that cities such as Lahore, Karachi, Gujranwala and a few others — where the level of pollution remains high — are especially at risk from a surge in coronavirus cases as the winter season approaches.

The prime minister lamented at the state of government hospitals in the country, saying that their standards had deteriorated over the years. "My entire family, including myself, were born in Mayo Hospital," he said. "Government hospitals used to perform well back then. There were proper systems [in place]," he added.

He said that the condition of government hospitals deteriorated when government institutions were nationalised. "Ever since God created this world, whenever the concept of reward and punishments are abolished, that system goes down," he said.

"Why should I work hard when I get the same money as another doctor who does not work hard at all," asked the premier.

He hit out at previous governments for getting elected but doing nothing for the masses. "Those who were super rich, they started going abroad for checkups even over a simple cough," he said. "How were our hospitals to improve then?"

The prime minister said that he was tired of people asking him where was Naya Pakistan. "I am tired of explaining to these people that Naya Pakistan is not a switch," he said. "[They expect] a government to come into power, press a switch and everything solves by itself. This only happens in fairy tales. In real life, a reform process comes about as a result of a struggle," he added.

PM Imran stressed on youngsters to study the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a role model and his achievements in establishing the State of Madinah.

"I see youngsters today reading books on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. They do this as they want to be successful like him. You should read about the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as he was able to achieve what no other man before or after him was able to."

Speaking about the implementation of reforms in hospitals, the premier said that small groups of influential people were present in every government hospital.

"They had contacts with judges of high courts and obtained stay orders [against reforms]. A lawyer used to represent all of them [mafia with vested interests] who used to obtain a stay order," he said. "There were obstacles in every path."

However, the prime minister said that "change had arrived", adding that the government had set up plenty of "quality buildings" such as the Hayatabad Medical Complex and other medical institutions.

'Pickpocketers have gathered together'

Turning his guns towards the Opposition, the prime minister said that all those with "vested interests" and the "pickpocketers" had gathered together.

"They are seeing for the first time ever that they will be held accountable for their treacherous attitude towards the country and for looting it," he said. "They know that here is a prime minister who will not be blackmailed and will hold them accountable."

The prime minister said that these were the country's "defining moments", adding that the mafia stopping Pakistan's progress will be sent to jails.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

KP citizens only need valid CNIC for Sehat Sahulat Programme

Sehat Sahulat Programme
The PTI on Wednesday clarified that the citizens do not need to register for the Sehat Sahulat Programme and only a valid CNIC is required to get benefit from the health insurance scheme.

"All KP citizens with a valid CNIC will be automatically registered in the Sehat Sahulat Program, free of any charges," the ruling party said in a Tweet three days ahead of the launch.

The PTI also announced that the CNIC will become the Sehat Card Plus+ for residents of KP after the programme is officially launched in four phases from Friday onwards.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had on August 20 launch the scheme under which each family is eligible to receive health coverage of Rs1 million.

Under the first phase, the project will be launched in KP's Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Malakand, Swat, Upper Chitral and Lower Chitral districts.

According to report, under the second phase, the programme would be extended to Abbottabad, Mansehra, Battagram, Torghar and Kohistan districts by November 2020.

In the third phase, it would be extended to Haripur, Swabi, Mardan, Buner, Nowshera, Charsadda and Peshawar by November 2020.

Under the fourth phase of the plan, the programme would be extended to Kohat, Hangu, Karak, Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Dera Ismail Khan and Tank by January 1, 2021.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...