Thursday, July 30, 2020

Senate passes Anti-Terrorism Act (amendment) Bill, 2020

Senate of Pakistan
The Senate on Thursday passed the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, which is required to fulfil certain requirements of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to get the country off the grey list.

Earlier, the bill had been passed by the Senate Standing Committee on Law and Justice.

During the meeting chaired by Senator Javed Abbasi, the committee was told by government representatives that all the amendments in the bill were FATF’s demands.

To which the committee asked the government representatives to turn in a copy of the global watchdog's demands. Briefing the committee members on the UN Security Bill, the Special Secretary said that the Asia Pacific and the FATF were monitoring the situation and understood that some changes were needed in domestic law.

The National Assembly on Wednesday passed the Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2020 to get the country off the grey list.

Statement of Objects and Reasons of the anti-terrorism bill:

The Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) 1997 though comprehensive in its scope lacked certain provisions concerning the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRS) 1267 and 1373. The UNSCRs 1267 and 1373 were adopted under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter making them obligatory for all members of the United Nations. Through UNSCR 1,267, member states of the United Nations implement the sanctions and take measures for assets freeze (targeted financial sections), arms embargo and impose travel ban on the entities and individuals who are designated on the sanction list. UNSCR 1373 requires member states to implement counter-terrorism measures, especially countering the financing of terrorism through their domestic laws.

The above obligation was implemented in Pakistan through the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997. The penalties already provided in the said Act were not dissuasive for violations of assets seizure provision in section 11-O and provided the amount of fine was insufficient.

The new bill defined 'Person' in section 2 as follows: 'Person' means any natural or legal person including government body, autonomous or semi-autonomous entity, regulatory authority, body corporate partnership association, trust, agency or any other undertaking responsible for carrying out the purpose of this Act.

The amendment bill proposed to enforce the decisions of United Nations Security Council's Resolutions (1267 and 1373) which were related to counter-terrorism measures to be taken by the member states to check terrorism financing by making and enforcing such provisions in the domestic laws.

As per the federal legislative list provided in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, the federal government for compliance of international treaties, conventions and agreements and international arbitration can make legislations and rules to enforce such decisions.

The bill provided that any refusal or non-compliance of the orders of the federal government under section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act 1948 was a punishable offence under Section 1100. Violation of the UN Security Council Resolutions - and the person shall be:

a. Imprisoned for maximum 10 years or fine of 25 million rupees or both will be imposed.

b. Similarly, if a legal person as defined in the definition of 'person' under this bill commits an offence under this act, he will be fined for maximum of 50 million rupees and every director, officer or employee of such legal person if found guilty will be fined 25 million rupees and imprisonment of maximum ten years or both.

In addition to punishments under offences defined above, if any public servant was found negligent in complying with these provisions, the respective authority will take administrative actions against him under the respective service rules.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Big Tech CEOs face onslaught criticism during antitrust hearing

 the stage for a battle royale over the next 6 to 9 months
Tim Cook of Apple, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Sundar Pichai of Google were grilled for more than five hours by US lawmakers over concerns of Big Tech dominance.

The executives faced an onslaught of criticism at a high-stakes antitrust hearing which could lay the groundwork for tougher regulation of the major internet platforms.

While the hearing was called to focus on whether the companies abuse their dominant positions in the market, it veered quickly into topics including political bias, privacy, dealings with China and how platforms deal with misinformation.

"Simply put, they have too much power," said Representative David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island who chairs the panel conducting a year-long investigation into the business practices of the four companies.

Cicilline said the hearing made clear that the firms "have monopoly power some need to be broken up, all need to be properly regulated and held accountable."

Congress has no formal role in antitrust enforcement, but several lawmakers appeared intent on revising US laws to deal with the extraordinary market power and dominance of large technology firms.

"The anti-trust storm clouds appear to be building in the Beltway against Big Tech," Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said in a note to investors.

"With today's hearings setting the stage for a battle royale over the next 6 to 9 months."

Pandemic strength

Cicilline said the coronavirus outbreak has strengthened the clout of the four, saying: "They are likely to emerge (from the pandemic) stronger and more powerful than ever before."

Some lawmakers sought to play down the competitive danger of the companies, which have won praise for innovating and introducing new technologies and offering lifelines during virus lockdowns.

"Being big is not inherently bad," said Jim Sensenbrenner, a Republican from Wisconsin. "Quite the opposite, in America you should be rewarded for success."

Abusing platforms?

Lawmakers also put spotlights on problems with tech companies operating platforms relied upon by rivals.

Pichai was pressed regarding whether Google's ad platform tactics hurt other internet players such as news outlets.

Apple's Cook faced tough questioning over the market power of the company´s App Store and its treatment of developers.

"We treat all app developers the same," Cook said. "We do not retaliate or bully people."

Bezos, in his first appearance before a congressional committee, defended Amazon's dealings with third-party sellers after a blistering attack from Cicilline.

"We've heard from third party sellers again and again during the course of our investigation that Amazon is the only game in town," the committee chair said to the company founder.

Bezos disputed the characterization while adding, "There are a lot of options for small firms.. I think we are the best one."

Playing politics

President Donald Trump, who has accused Facebook and Twitter of censoring his remarks and being biased against conservatives, weighed in with a tweet shortly before the hearing.

"If Congress doesn't bring fairness to Big Tech, which they should have done years ago, I will do it myself with Executive Orders," Trump said.

Representative Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, said during the hearing: "I'll just cut to the chase — Big Tech is out to get conservatives. That´s not a suspicion. That's not a hunch. That's a fact."

Democrat Jamie Raskin of Maryland rejected the argument, saying Facebook and other platforms have failed to contain misinformation from Trump and his supporters, including unverified COVID-19 claims.

"If Facebook is out there trying to repress conservative speech they're doing a terrible job," Raskin said. "I don't understand this endless whining" from Republicans.

Moving forward

Some analysts said the hearing could set the stage for revising US antitrust laws, which at present make it difficult for enforcers to target companies simply for being big.

"There was considerable skepticism toward the tech sector as legislators worry about unfair competition and unfair practices," said Darrell West, director of the center for technology innovation at the Brookings Institution.

"If Democrats gain control in the (November elections), this hearing will serve as a blueprint for enhanced regulatory oversight," West said.

Michael Carrier, a Rutgers University professor of antitrust law, said that while "the hearing showed that the representatives did their homework" he didn't think the hearing would lead to quick action.

Avery Gardiner, a former government antitrust lawyer who follows competition for the Center for Democracy & Technology, said the hearing failed to demonstrate specific anticompetitive actions, leaving the matter now to regulatory agencies.

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Senate passes Anti-Terrorism Act (amendment) Bill, 2020

Senate of Pakistan
The Senate on Thursday passed the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, which is required to fulfil certain requirements of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to get the country off the grey list.

Earlier, the bill had been passed by the Senate Standing Committee on Law and Justice.

During the meeting chaired by Senator Javed Abbasi, the committee was told by government representatives that all the amendments in the bill were FATF’s demands.

To which the committee asked the government representatives to turn in a copy of the global watchdog's demands. Briefing the committee members on the UN Security Bill, the Special Secretary said that the Asia Pacific and the FATF were monitoring the situation and understood that some changes were needed in domestic law.

The National Assembly on Wednesday passed the Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2020 to get the country off the grey list.

Statement of Objects and Reasons of the anti-terrorism bill:

The Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) 1997 though comprehensive in its scope lacked certain provisions concerning the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRS) 1267 and 1373. The UNSCRs 1267 and 1373 were adopted under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter making them obligatory for all members of the United Nations. Through UNSCR 1,267, member states of the United Nations implement the sanctions and take measures for assets freeze (targeted financial sections), arms embargo and impose travel ban on the entities and individuals who are designated on the sanction list. UNSCR 1373 requires member states to implement counter-terrorism measures, especially countering the financing of terrorism through their domestic laws.

The above obligation was implemented in Pakistan through the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997. The penalties already provided in the said Act were not dissuasive for violations of assets seizure provision in section 11-O and provided the amount of fine was insufficient.

The new bill defined 'Person' in section 2 as follows: 'Person' means any natural or legal person including government body, autonomous or semi-autonomous entity, regulatory authority, body corporate partnership association, trust, agency or any other undertaking responsible for carrying out the purpose of this Act.

The amendment bill proposed to enforce the decisions of United Nations Security Council's Resolutions (1267 and 1373) which were related to counter-terrorism measures to be taken by the member states to check terrorism financing by making and enforcing such provisions in the domestic laws.

As per the federal legislative list provided in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, the federal government for compliance of international treaties, conventions and agreements and international arbitration can make legislations and rules to enforce such decisions.

The bill provided that any refusal or non-compliance of the orders of the federal government under section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act 1948 was a punishable offence under Section 1100. Violation of the UN Security Council Resolutions - and the person shall be:

a. Imprisoned for maximum 10 years or fine of 25 million rupees or both will be imposed.

b. Similarly, if a legal person as defined in the definition of 'person' under this bill commits an offence under this act, he will be fined for maximum of 50 million rupees and every director, officer or employee of such legal person if found guilty will be fined 25 million rupees and imprisonment of maximum ten years or both.

In addition to punishments under offences defined above, if any public servant was found negligent in complying with these provisions, the respective authority will take administrative actions against him under the respective service rules.

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Golra Sharif Dargah, Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani passed away

The funeral prayers of Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani
Sajada Nasheen of Golra Sharif Dargah, Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani on Thursday passed away at the age of 94 years.

The funeral prayers of Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani will be offered after Asar prayers at the Dargah Golra Sharif today. Pir Abdul Haq Gilani was son of Pir Syed Ghulam Muhiuddin and grandson of Pir Mehr Ali Shah Gilani.

Family has extended its heartiest condolence with the Gilani family over this loss.

The township of Golra is situated at the foot of the Margalla Hills at a distance of about 11 miles form Rawalpindi city and in the centre of sector E-11 Islamabad, Federal Capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Shah decided to settle here, Golra was the headquarters of the Sikh sub divisional officer.

Earlier, this area had been ruled by the Afghans, but on the death of Ahmad Shah Abdali towards the end of the 18th century,

Ranjit Singh, the Afghan-appointed governor of the Punjab Province, declared his independence, and annexed the Golra area also into his domain. Pir Syed Ghulam Moin ul Haq Gilani founded Aiwan e Mehr Ali Shah Trust to spread the teachings and intellectual heritage of Pir Mehr Ali Shah .

Trust has published scores of books since its inception. Research and education are integral part of the Trust’s activities.

from Latest Pakistan News - SUCH TV

Petroleum Ministry suggests Rs7/litre hike in petrol prices

Petroleum Ministry suggests Rs7/litre hike in petrol prices
Petrol prices in the country are expected to increase again next month after the Petroleum Ministry recommended another increase in prices by up to Rs9.5/litre for August.

In a summary sent to the Finance Ministry, the Petroleum Ministry has proposed an increase of Rs7/litre in petrol price, Rs9.5 in diesel price, Rs6.21 in light diesel oil (LDO) prices and Rs6 increase in kerosene price.

If the government accepts this suggested increase in price, the price of petrol will go up from the current Rs100.1 to Rs107.1/litre, price of diesel will increase from Rs101.46 to Rs110.96/litre, LDO price will go up from the current Rs55.98 to Rs62.19/litre and kerosene oil price will increase to Rs62.06 from its current Rs59.06/litre price.

Last month, the government had jacked up petroleum products’ prices by 66% with petrol prices increasing by Rs25.58/litre, diesel Rs21.31/litre and kerosene by Rs23.50/litre and LDO by Rs17.84/litre.

The government is currently charging Rs30 per litre petroleum levy (PL) on petrol and diesel while Rs6/litre on kerosene and Rs3/litre on LDO. It is also charging a 17% general sales tax (GST) on all petroleum products.


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Golra Sharif Dargah, Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani passed away

The funeral prayers of Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani
Sajada Nasheen of Golra Sharif Dargah, Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani on Thursday passed away at the age of 94 years.

The funeral prayers of Pir Shah Abdul Haq Gilani will be offered after Asar prayers at the Dargah Golra Sharif today. Pir Abdul Haq Gilani was son of Pir Syed Ghulam Muhiuddin and grandson of Pir Mehr Ali Shah Gilani.

Family has extended its heartiest condolence with the Gilani family over this loss.

The township of Golra is situated at the foot of the Margalla Hills at a distance of about 11 miles form Rawalpindi city and in the centre of sector E-11 Islamabad, Federal Capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Shah decided to settle here, Golra was the headquarters of the Sikh sub divisional officer.

Earlier, this area had been ruled by the Afghans, but on the death of Ahmad Shah Abdali towards the end of the 18th century,

Ranjit Singh, the Afghan-appointed governor of the Punjab Province, declared his independence, and annexed the Golra area also into his domain. Pir Syed Ghulam Moin ul Haq Gilani founded Aiwan e Mehr Ali Shah Trust to spread the teachings and intellectual heritage of Pir Mehr Ali Shah .

Trust has published scores of books since its inception. Research and education are integral part of the Trust’s activities.

from latest-news - SUCH TV

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Hong Kong police arrest four under new security law in move slammed by rights group

Hong Kong police arrest four under new security law
Hong Kong police have arrested four people aged 16-21 for suspected offences under the city’s new national security law, the first such detentions outside of street protests since the legislation took effect a month ago.

In a press conference shortly before midnight on Wednesday, a police spokesman said the three men and a woman, all students, were suspected of being involved in an online group that pledged to use every means to fight for an independent Hong Kong.

“We arrested for ... subversions and for the organising and also the inciting (of) secession,” said Li Kwai-wah, police superintendent at the national security department.

“They wanted to unite all the independent groups in Hong Kong for the view to promote the independence of Hong Kong.”

China considers Hong Kong to be an “inalienable” part of the country, so calls for independence are anathema to Beijing’s Communist Party leaders.

Police said some mobile phones, computers and documents were seized in the operation.

Beijing imposed the contentious legislation on its freest city just before midnight on June 30, punishing what it broadly defines as secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison.

Activists in Hong Kong scrambled to shut or rebrand social media accounts that could fall foul of the new security law before it was imposed. Police said the four were suspected of posting content that violated the legislation in July.

Human Rights Watch condemned the arrests and urged governments to impose targeted sanctions on Hong Kong and Chinese government officials responsible for the new law.

“The gross misuse of this draconian law makes clear that the aim is to silence dissent, not protect national security,” Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch, said.

The law has been condemned by some Western governments, business leaders and human rights groups who say it represents the latest move by Beijing to tighten its grip over the former British colony.

Beijing says the law is crucial to plug gaping holes in national security defences exposed by months of sometimes violent anti-government protests that rocked the city over the past year.

Authorities in Beijing and Hong Kong say the law will be used to target only a minority of “troublemakers.”

In a Facebook post, Initiative Independence Party said four former members of Studentlocalism, a pro-independence group that was disbanded before the new law took effect, had been arrested on suspicion of violating Articles 20 and 21 of the legislation that include inciting secession. They were denied bail.

Police did not name the suspects but local media and online posts said Tony Chung, a former convener of Studentlocalism was among those arrested.

Critics of the security legislation fear it will crush wide-ranging freedoms not seen on the mainland, including freedom of speech, that were guaranteed to Hong Kong for 50 years when it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

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Islamabad court dismisses Gill’s bail plea in sedition case

A District and Sessions court of Islamabad dismissed the post arrest bail petition of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill on Tuesday. Additional Dist...